About me: hello my name is Anya and I'm a freshman in college and a senior in high school, I'm taking a program called running start. I am 17 years old and I have a busy life. I grew up with a big family I have 6 older brothers and 1 older sister and 1 younger. I grew up in a big family and someone needs to feel all those mouths so from a young age I learned to cook and to bake. I always like baking more and I grew to bake a lot more than cooking, I like to cook but not so much. I love to sing my whole life I have been going to choir and taking sining lessons. If I say so myself I like to sing more than I like to cook.

My interests in wikipedia: For my English class my teacher had us sign up for wikipedia for a class and I'm going to see what I will be doing on here. My personal goal is to edit facts and hopefully maybe find better evidence to back up a statement. I would want to have my own page of facts for a topic maybe something about your voice and how something effects it, I'm not sure but I want to find something and make my own with it.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help: LinkWikimedia Foundation. (2021, September 22). Help:link. Wikipedia. Retrieved September 24, 2021, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Link. Fun fact a wiki link can be anything from numbers to websites.

'Article evaluation The beauty of music has been around for decades upon decades and many songs that we listen to today have been inspired by music written in the past. Many people don't realize how much music has an effect on people and peoples minds, moods, and happiness, for example if we listen to sad music or happy music we will be happy or sad because the songs we listen to we subconsciously let have an effect on us. I visited the music day article on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: like does the article have good grammar, are there irrelevant sections in the article, and is the article up to date. In the article from what I read in the article the grammar is not to the full extent as it could be. Some of the sentences are not correctly punctioned, and some parts of the article could be more professionally worded or stated. Another question or evaluation I can ask myself is, are there any relevant sections in the article? And from what I evaluated is that there are not many irrelevant sections. The article itself is very straightforward and tells you exactly what you need to know if you need to read something quick. An evaluation I made was that is the article up to date has it been worked on and looked at maybe has information changed? And from what I am looking at it has not been, the last time the page has been worked on was in 2019.

