Yaghi Musakan
It is a village located administratively in Takht e nasrati Tehsil of district Karak in UC Jehangiri Banda. It is located on 32⁰ N, 70⁰ E. It has population of over 4000 people. All of its population are Khattak.The language of the inhabitants is Pashto with Khattak dialect. The people of Yaghi Musakan are good at hospitality, having served at each of the departments of Pakistan. There is a famous history about Gul Hussain that he took an active part in 1947 Pakistan independence war.
The village is comprised of 4 sub branches of barak khattak of Khattak tribe with an important history including Tora Kaada, speena kaada , Bagh Kaada and Besthi Kaada.
The important places here are.
1.Masjid Gul Hussain 2. Hujra Noor Shah Jehan 3. jamia Madrasa ul Uloom
The notable personalities borned at Yaghi Musakan are 1.Gul Hussain 2. Farid Ullah 3. Mir Shah Ali DSP 4. Badshah Noor 5.Dr zahid Rehman