Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (Citra)
Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority
Citra Kuwait
Regulation Of Communications overview
JurisdictionGovernment of Kuwait
HeadquartersKuwait Kuwait
Minister responsible

Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority - CITRA Kuwait : it is an independent governmental entity, Established by a decision of the Council of Ministers Law No. 37 of 2014 regulating the establishment of the Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority. Citra is responsible for overseeing the telecommunications sector, monitor and protect the interests of users and service providers and regulate the services of telecommunication networks in the country, while ensuring transparency, equality of opportunity and fair competition. [1]

Tasks and Authorized Powers

  • Protecting​ consumer affairs
  • Regulating services, tariffs, and rates within the ICT sector.
  • Encouraging competition and investment in the ICT sector and preventing unfair competition.
  • Regulating and licensing telecommunications services.​

Mission and Vision


CITRA aims to accomplish optimal regulation and supervision of the ICT market on the basis of positive competition and providing admirable and progressive services through a fast, secure and reliable telecommunications network. Ensuring the benefit of all ​stakeholders within the public and private sectors while preserving their interests, creating favorable environment for investment in the ICT sectors, encouraging creative Small and Medium ​ E​nterprises ​(SME) initiatives and startups led by young Kuwaiti entrepreneurs. In addition to implementing the highest international standards to upgrading e-government services and making them available to citizens and residents.​

ICT subsectors




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