BoldMagnons are at the spinning heart of electricity and electromagnetic light. Fundamental light photon energy contains volumes x,y,z of 3D magnon vibrating or spinning force stuff. This is the same energy that we receive from the grid which is just low frequency photon/magnon energy moving through a conductor or inside a magnetic conductance material instead of deep space. To generate power we must get the voltage at 90 degrees to the flux current x,y magnon area stuff or we will produce quantum virtual power known as VAR’s with a Cosine reduction in power. This effect means that real energy can appear as electron particle movement but VAR’s appear as quantum wave movements only so we have an appearance of duality but only magnons can move at the speed of light not electrons.

Power=   V   x √i2     x  Cos ϴ   a 3D volume of magnon spinning stuff per second.

OR =   ∑ n h f Cos ϴ per second 50 or 60 cycles mostly for domestic power
