User:AddWittyNameHere/Martial Arts Film Vandal

Currently not editing from my home pc, so I don't have all information with me at the moment. Will add more once I get home, including the ranges for so far as I have them, IPs used not yet listed here, an somewhat more detailed explanation of how to recognize them, a whole bunch of ways in which they are disruptive, with several diffs and other material I neither have with me at the moment nor can easily access. Not all material I have should ultimately make it into the upcoming LTA case; furthermore, there is information I am still uncovering that should make it there.

As a rule, uses IPs from BSkyB (also known as Sky Broadband) in the UK. Primarily targets articles related to martial arts films or their actors, but may occasionally disrupt other articles, usually with martial-arts"- and/or film-related disruptive editing, sometimes (albeit very rarely) with unrelated disruptive editing.

Known IPs include, but are not limited to, the following:

From MarnetteD's documentation


I've stripped out those that already are listed above. Will insert in the correct places in the list once I've checked their contributions for any new useful information. (Well, once I've done that and finished checking each of the (currently) 49 IPs above. I know there are a few I haven't checked yet.)



Frequently edited articles include

Most edited articles
Article Edits IPs Notes
Yes, Madam 30 10 disruption going back to August 2011
Don't Give a Damn 30 9 article is only 2 months old
Double Impact 33 11 disruption going back to April 2011
Project A Part II 37 24 disruption going back to November 2011
Ninja in the Dragon's Den 40 22 disruption going back to February 2011
Rob-B-Hood 44 26 disruption going back to October 2010
Legacy of Rage 46 10 disruption going back to August 2011
Heart of Dragon 53 24 disruption going back to April 2011
No Retreat, No Surrender 2 55 17 disruption going back to October 2011
SPL: Sha Po Lang 85 24 disruption going back to October 2010
No Retreat, No Surrender 95 35 disruption going back to October 2010
Crime Story (film) 125 20 disruption going back to October 2010

Other repeatedly disrupted articles—with varying levels of disruption ranging from about half a dozen edits spread over two or three IPs in over a year to dozens of edits over ten or more IPs, sometimes within only a few months—include the following:

Other information

  • Behaviourally has some overlap with known sock-puppeteer Pé de Chinelo and can occasionally be (and has been) confused with them. Pé de Chinelo operates solely on Brazilian ranges, though, while the martial arts film vandal keeps to BSkyB's ranges. Pé's socks also include accounts; the Martial Arts Film Vandal has to the best of our knowledge never registered.
    On articles where both are, or have been, active—such as Heat (1995 film)—WHOIS can occasionally be the only way to tell if an IP is the Martial Arts Film Vandal or an IP-sock of Pé de Chinelo.
  • I started a page like this a few years ago. Here it is User:MarnetteD/Burton-on-Trent Vandal. I stopped tracking the person after a time so this page by AWNH is much more up to date but I have left the link on the off chance that it may be of some use. Thanks to all of you who are still working on dealing with this problem editor. MarnetteD|Talk 01:01, 22 August 2014 (UTC)