Fakhruddin Azizi born 1968, Kabul, Afghanistan) is Country Representative of United Nations Industrial Development Organisation for Ghana and Liberia Country Representative of United Nations Industrial Development Organisation for Philippines and Head of the UNIDO operations in Afghanistan (UNIDO). Mr. Azizi Fakhruddin brings to his post a wealth of knowledge spanning for more than 23 years of experience. He is adept in the field of humanitarian and development programmes with different UN agencies including the UNDP and international organizations. Prior to his arrival in Ghana in 2017, Mr. Fakhruddin Azizi worked as UNIDO Representative for the Philippines and in Afghanistan. Mr. Azizi established a new Policy Center at the Kabul University called Center for Policy and Human (CPHD) and was a resource person for UNDP/BCPR (Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery) global network. He holds an M.A in Management and a second M.A. in Management for Sustainable Economic Development. UNIDO Representative.



Mr. Azizi Fakhruddin brings to his post a wealth of knowledge spanning for more than 23 years of experience. He is adept in the field of humanitarian and development programmes with different UN agencies including the UNDP and international organizations. Prior to his arrival in Ghana in 2017, Mr. Fakhruddin Azizi worked as UNIDO Representative for the Philippines and in Afghanistan. Mr. Azizi established a new Policy Center at the Kabul University called Center for Policy and Human (CPHD) and was a resource person for UNDP/BCPR (Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery) global network.

Over the years Azizi has contributed to various development project concepts and proposals. With his participation as a committee member in the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Azizi was able to experience several coordination projects. During his service with UNIDO Azizi established many partnerships with other UN agencies including UNDP, FAO, UNICEF, WFP and WHO. With these partnerships Azizi helped design joint programme projects concerning food security, child nutrition and alternative livelihoods. For five years Azizi was the Programme Officer and acting Assistant Country Director for the Promotion of Sustainable Livelihood Unit with UNDP. With this position Azizi supported the Civil Service Commission, the first Presidential Election, meteorology, the Mine Action/Transition and Capacity Building Programme, the National Human Development Report, the Center for Policy and Human Development and the Millennium Development Goals for Afghanistan. As part of UNDP Azizi also established a new Policy Unit at Kabul University call the Center for Policy and Human Development. Additional positions Azizi has held includes the Operations Manager/Deputy Director of the Organization for Mine clearance and Afghan Rehabilitation (OMAR) as well as the Administrative and Logistics Manager/Deputy Regional Director and officer in-charge for the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan. Azizi has also been a member of several professional societies and civic organisations including: the National Human Development Report Advisory Panel for 2009-2010; a Founding Member of the Center for Policy and Human Development at Kabul University; Member of the Board of Directors for “Serrana Magazine”; Chairperson of UNDP/UNFPA Staff Association; a member of the Steering Committee of Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief (ACBAR); a member of the Steering Committee of Afghan Campaign to Ban Landmines (ACBL); and a member of the Management Board of the Mahmood Tarzi Cultural Foundation.

Early Life


Fakhruddin Azizi was born in Kabul Afghanistan in 1968 to an educated working class family. He began his career in United Nations in early 2000s. He was working with the United Nations Development Program in Afghanistan. He then became head of UNIDO operations in Afghanistan. In 2014, Azizi was assigned as the UNIDO representative for the Philippines, In 2017, he was assigned as the UNIDO representative for Ghana and Liberian.
