Craft Ainebyoona aka McCraft Ainebyoona is a Ugandan male Gospel artist, Photographer, Graphic designer, Pianist and a passionate Journalist.

Ainebyoona was born in Rwampara district on 30th-Mar-2001 and Julius Mbumbwa x Stellah Komujuni are his parents. He was born in a family of eight [Agatha Arinaitwe, Alexander Atwebembeire, Padro Atworekire, Solomy Nabaasa, Speke Aijuka,Grant Ainamaani, Apophia Abenaitwe, Craft Ainebyoona] in which he is the last born (bukyura).

Ainebyoona joined school at the age of three years from Arkden Junior School [former], later went to Kashekure Primary School where he did his primary for seven years. He then joined secondary at Citizen's Secondary School-Ibanda where he was for a year and later moved to Nyakayojo Secondary School-Mbarara for S.2, S.3 and S.4.

It was during the course of study at Kashekure Primary School when he also had to learn how to play piano, appreciation to Mr. Alex Bangaya-piano trainer.

In 2019, Ainebyoona joined Kakoba Institute of Commercial and Technical Studies-Mbarara for a two year certificate in Journalism and Media Studies up to date.