WEATHER Is a condition of the atmosphere of a place in particular time or over a short period of time.

-It occurs from hour to hour or day to day and it changes from time to time.


It could be raining where you at standing but when you look further

a head you see the sunshine.

Weather condition involves a state of the elements such as;temperature,sunshine,atmospheric pressure and wind.

IMPORTANCE OF WEATHER 1. Determine the distribution of economic activities such as;crops cultivation and livestock keeping,lack of rainfall lead to severe shortage of food and water for animals and humans. 2. Ability to predict weather enables planning for various human activities such as air surface and water transport,crop cultivation e.t.c. 3.Weather influence the types of clothes people wear and type of houses they built,Example;during the hot season people wear light cloths and during the cold season people wear heavy cloths. 4.Weather and climatic condition influence the migration and distribution of people and animals.