Solar Slde Projector


This is a simple device which uses sun light as the source of light.The sunlight is reflected by a plane mirror on a optical condenser wich coverge it on the photoslide/Transparancy. To avoid the excessive heat the sun light first passed through heat absorbing glass and then it passes through th projection lense either on a screen or wall coated with lime in a dark room.As the Earth is not a stationary as compare to the Sun the mirror has to be alligned to some degree periodicaly to direc the reflected beam of light on the projector.So the projector needed two oprator one to oprate the slide in the slide frame and othe to reflect the sun light on the projector. Merrit 1 The solar energy cotain all the wave length of light so the color of the projected image is very natural than the tungston fillament heated source of light. 2 6"x6" area of solar light in bright sun light project 10'x10'image on the wall/screen even more bright than an arc lamp source of light . 3 It is a power saving device and work where electric power is not available. 4 Low cost equipment easy to construt. 5 High efficiency. Demerit 1 Does not work during cloudy/rainy weather. 2 Bulky in size. 3 opration is complex. 4 slide can not be projector for long time due to intense heat of infra radiation of the solar system as heat absorbing glass has its own limitations. (Drawing of the project to be loaded as presently ido not know how to load on the page ) --Ajuble (talk) 01:20, 5 March 2009 (UTC) Avtar singh juble Retired Science Master GiddarBaha Punjab India Phone 9878108064