Rain ultra is and American Aboriginal also known as King ATA. In March 29,1994. Some will say a legend was born, or some would say an ordinary lad with a body full of talent and a mind full of dreams.

  In the early months of 1998, Rain_Ultra began preschool at head start and a year later became a kindergartner. Rain has had many friends over the years. Such a gifted child as well of being very ambitious

In 2000-2008 Rain attended 3rd and 8th grade at captain Arthur Roth elementary school which was later turned into a middle school.

 Furthering his education in 2009 he attended Glenville high school in which he was not so popular nor well respected. With a lot of trauma as a child and a lot of abuse from peers he became saddened and depressed as a high school student. 
Later rain became more aware of worldly surroundings and with that being said he was awakened by knowledge. In which by rumors was told that he knew the truth and secret about the story of Adam and Eve, the undescribed mark of Cain, the feelings of god and who to what it is, and the plans of satan as well the unspoken truth of the crucifix. No one knows who this man is but it is said he is to live in the United States. In an area in or surrounding ohio.
In later days he explained how the mark of Cain was blue eyes as a recessive trait as to Cain marrying his sister luluwa, thus speaking on what great elder Adam said as to those who followed the leader seth (adams son) do not intertwine with them
“People may think I’m crazy” he said people may or may not understand the true meaning behind the universe, he explains what’s known as America today is the garden of Eden, a place perfectly set for amazing and balanced living conditions, how what’s known as marijuana is the fruit of the spirit, such as fruit bear seeds and same as marijuana, and went on to say that the savior was not crucified he was murdered by the Roman government so that the government could prevent an uprising, and that the savior true intentions was not to become a sacrifice from the sin of the people, But to turn the people away from satan creating earth a hell for satan for the betrayal of Adam, eve and god.
He also had a theory that the spirit in which Christian’s believe to be the holy sprit is to find a human vessel who is of pure at heart in order to drive away the evil and madness in which the people let consume them. The world is not to be taken lightly for there are signs in the skies and from the skies, in which people believe their aliens but the fact aliens allegedly helped the Egyptians to build the pyramids, the crop symbols back in the early 2000s were a message. He later on created a religion known as the cosmic cult which was later explained to be an acronym of Courage. Omnipotence. and Serenity. Made. In. Character. 
Challenging. Universal. Lies and Truth

The last day we found him was on November 14 2021 no further updates since then