The young heroes for the peace.

It is the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War in 2020. Our ancestors fought for the world without wars. That war bitterly reflects dark and difficult period in history. That's why it's so essential to talk more about heroic feats. We'll remember some of them in this article, those who risked the most precious things for today's world. ↵A lot of the boys of the war tried to get to the front with all truth and all wrong reasons. The war required great courage and spiritual fortitude from young men. A 6-year-old boy with the surname of Alyoshkov was the youngest member of the Red Army [1]. Sergei Alyoshkov was born and lived in the forest village of Gryn, which is located in the Kaluga region. When the war broke out in his country, he was the son of a regiment. At that time the regimental soldiers were controlled by Mikhail Danilovich Vorobyov. Little Alyoshkov awakened the father’s feelings in the warrior and he officially adopted the child. Sergei carried mail to the fighters and delivered ammunition. Together with his unit, a small soldier participated in the defence of Stalingrad. Moreover, he earned an award there - the medal «For Combat Services».[2] He saved the lives of his sworn father and several of his officers.м.

Another gripping story is about a girl, who was so fearlessness to fight for herself, her family and her homeland! The girl is Marionella Korolyova. Everyone knows her as Gulya. Gulya was born on September 9, 1922 in Moscow.[3] On 23 November 1942, during the battle for Hill 56.8, she carried out 50 wounded fighters from the battlefield. She was the first to break into the enemy trench, threw several grenades which killed 15 German soldiers. She was mortally wounded, but continued to fight until reinforcements arrived. She was posthumously awarded the "Order of Lenin".

There are only two heroes out of millions in this article. It is the duty of every person to remember and not forget what they went through and what for.