- Article Da_Soul_Touchaz matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Trevor_Holman matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Trevor_Holman matched rule church 80 points
- Article Trevor_Holman matched rule school -10 points
Total 70 points
- Article Derek_Charles_Ash matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Derek_Charles_Ash matched rule church 80 points
- Article Derek_Charles_Ash matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Derek_Charles_Ash matched rule school -20 points
Total 60 points
- Article James_Douglas,_7th_Baron_Drumlanrig matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Churchill_the_musical matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Churchill_the_musical matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Agostinho_Januszewicz matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Agostinho_Januszewicz matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Agostinho_Januszewicz matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Agostinho_Januszewicz matched rule bishop 30 points
- Lead of the article Agostinho_Januszewicz matched rule bishop 60 points
Total 215 points
- Article Education_for_all_charity matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Education_for_all_charity matched rule school -10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Phromyothi_Mangkorn matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Phromyothi_Mangkorn matched rule minister 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Thomas_Bunbury_(bishop) matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Thomas_Bunbury_(bishop) matched rule church 40 points
- Article Thomas_Bunbury_(bishop) matched rule rectory 40 points
- Article Thomas_Bunbury_(bishop) matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Thomas_Bunbury_(bishop) matched rule clergy 20 points
- Lead of the article Thomas_Bunbury_(bishop) matched rule clergy 40 points
- Article Thomas_Bunbury_(bishop) matched rule divinity 15 points
- Article Thomas_Bunbury_(bishop) matched rule minister 10 points
- Article Thomas_Bunbury_(bishop) matched rule list\sof -150 points
Total 85 points
- Article Hans_Cranach matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Hans_Cranach matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
- Article Hans_Cranach matched rule altar 8 points
- Lead of the article Hans_Cranach matched rule altar 16 points
Total 136 points
- Article Dökkálfar_and_Ljósálfar matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Mark_Lorenzen matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Mark_Lorenzen matched rule sports -40 points
- Article Mark_Lorenzen matched rule school -10 points
Total 10 points
- Article North_Huish matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article North_Huish matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article South_Huish matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article South_Huish matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article TEMPLES_IN_HOSHIARPUR matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
Total 35 points
- Article Payhembury matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Payhembury matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Pan_Pac_Forest_Products_Ltd matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article My_Fair_Lady_Loves_Jazz matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Huntshaw matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Huntshaw matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Churchstow matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Churchstow matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Dr._Vijay_Kumar_Trivedi matched rule rectory 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Amina_Wali matched rule altar 8 points
Total 8 points
- Article Ifrah_Wali matched rule altar 8 points
Total 8 points
- Article Budganja_vas matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article John_Langdon_Parsons matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Roberto_Reinaldo_Cáceres_González matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Roberto_Reinaldo_Cáceres_González matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Roberto_Reinaldo_Cáceres_González matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Roberto_Reinaldo_Cáceres_González matched rule church 80 points
- Article Roberto_Reinaldo_Cáceres_González matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Roberto_Reinaldo_Cáceres_González matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Roberto_Reinaldo_Cáceres_González matched rule list\sof -150 points
Total 115 points
- Article José_Trinidad_Sepúlveda_Ruiz-Velasco matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article José_Trinidad_Sepúlveda_Ruiz-Velasco matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article José_Trinidad_Sepúlveda_Ruiz-Velasco matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article José_Trinidad_Sepúlveda_Ruiz-Velasco matched rule church 80 points
- Article José_Trinidad_Sepúlveda_Ruiz-Velasco matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article José_Trinidad_Sepúlveda_Ruiz-Velasco matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article José_Trinidad_Sepúlveda_Ruiz-Velasco matched rule list\sof -150 points
Total 115 points
- Article Bible_League_Australia matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Bible_League_Australia matched rule church 80 points
- Article Bible_League_Australia matched rule evangeli 20 points
Total 100 points
- Article Dan_Dugan_(audio_engineer) matched rule church 40 points
- Article Dan_Dugan_(audio_engineer) matched rule school -10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Adam_May matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Iothalmate matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Iothalmate matched rule minister 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule bishop 30 points
- Lead of the article Cover_Girl_Killer matched rule bishop 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Hebrew_Gospel_hypothesis matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Hebrew_Gospel_hypothesis matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
- Article Hebrew_Gospel_hypothesis matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Hebrew_Gospel_hypothesis matched rule church 80 points
- Article Hebrew_Gospel_hypothesis matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Hebrew_Gospel_hypothesis matched rule evangeli 20 points
Total 250 points
- Article Henry_Rice_(politician) matched rule congregation 45 points
- Article Henry_Rice_(politician) matched rule church 40 points
Total 85 points
- Article Italian_American_Museum_of_Los_Angeles matched rule \Wsacrament 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Dinosaur_behavior matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Seleuco,_re_di_Siria matched rule aposto?l 55 points
- Lead of the article Seleuco,_re_di_Siria matched rule aposto?l 110 points
- Article Seleuco,_re_di_Siria matched rule antioch 20 points
Total 130 points
- Article Susie_Fishbein matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Susie_Fishbein matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
- Lead of the article Susie_Fishbein matched rule \Worthodox 120 points
- Article Susie_Fishbein matched rule church 40 points
- Article Susie_Fishbein matched rule evangeli 20 points
- Article Susie_Fishbein matched rule school -10 points
Total 230 points
- Article Chartwell_Court matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Chartwell_Court matched rule church 80 points
- Article Chartwell_Court matched rule school -10 points
Total 70 points
- Article 2003–04_Borussia_Dortmund_season matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article 2003–04_Borussia_Dortmund_season matched rule football -40 points
Total 20 points
- Article The_dellas matched rule charism 70 points
Total 70 points
- Article You're_Gonna_Lose_Us matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Devolution_in_the_United_Kingdom matched rule church 40 points
- Article Devolution_in_the_United_Kingdom matched rule minister 10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Catholic_Chikaramachi_Church matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Catholic_Chikaramachi_Church matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
- Article Catholic_Chikaramachi_Church matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Catholic_Chikaramachi_Church matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Catholic_Chikaramachi_Church matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Catholic_Chikaramachi_Church matched rule church 80 points
Total 320 points
- Article 100_Gigs_You_Should_Have_Been_At matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
Total 25 points
- Article Grinder_price matched rule charism 70 points
- Lead of the article Grinder_price matched rule charism 140 points
Total 140 points
- Article George_B._Handley matched rule church 40 points
- Article George_B._Handley matched rule rectory 40 points
- Article George_B._Handley matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article George_B._Handley matched rule \Wmormon -20 points
- Article George_B._Handley matched rule school -10 points
Total 80 points
- Article Septimus_Collinson matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
- Article Septimus_Collinson matched rule theolog 15 points
- Article Septimus_Collinson matched rule divinity 15 points
- Lead of the article Septimus_Collinson matched rule divinity 30 points
- Article Septimus_Collinson matched rule \Wtheologian 15 points
- Article Septimus_Collinson matched rule school -10 points
Total 75 points
- Article Decline_and_Fall..._of_a_Birdwatcher matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article James_Arrington matched rule church 40 points
- Article James_Arrington matched rule \Wmormon -20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Paul_Rickert_(artist) matched rule rectory 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Yoav_Mordechai matched rule jerusalem 10 points
- Lead of the article Yoav_Mordechai matched rule jerusalem 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Paragon_Casino_Resort matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Rehburg_Hills matched rule evangeli 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Ion_titoiu matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Ion_titoiu matched rule school -10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Ingvald_M._Smith-Kielland,_Sr. matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Ingvald_M._Smith-Kielland,_Sr. matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
Total 95 points
- Article Waheed_Karim matched rule \Wsacrament 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Sheriff_Hill_Lunatic_Asylum matched rule bishop 30 points
Total 30 points
- Article Marieta_Besu matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Marieta_Besu matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Marieta_Besu matched rule school -20 points
Total 40 points
- Article Architecture-Studio matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Architecture-Studio matched rule church 80 points
- Article Architecture-Studio matched rule school -10 points
Total 70 points
- Article Thomas_Cantock matched rule bishop 30 points
- Lead of the article Thomas_Cantock matched rule bishop 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Girl_in_White matched rule church 40 points
- Article Girl_in_White matched rule alexandria 20 points
Total 60 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule evangeli 20 points
- Article Sarah_Applewood matched rule school -10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Mountain_Empire_(disambiguation) matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
- Article Mountain_Empire_(disambiguation) matched rule school -10 points
- Article Mountain_Empire_(disambiguation) matched rule \{\{dab\}\} -20 points
Total 10 points
- Article Giovanni_Talarico matched rule minister 10 points
- Article Giovanni_Talarico matched rule altar 8 points
Total 18 points
- Article Mindy_Gledhill matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Mindy_Gledhill matched rule \Wmormon -20 points
Total 40 points
- Article Auto_Windscreens matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Auto_Windscreens matched rule football -40 points
Total 20 points
- Article Ministry_of_Health,_Labour_and_Social_Affairs_(Georgia) matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Ministry_of_Health,_Labour_and_Social_Affairs_(Georgia) matched rule minister 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Katat matched rule rectory 40 points
- Lead of the article Katat matched rule rectory 80 points
- Article Katat matched rule school -10 points
Total 70 points
- Article October_2007_in_Africa matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article October_2007_in_Africa matched rule bishop 30 points
Total 90 points
- Article Coelestis_Pastor matched rule encyclical 75 points
- Lead of the article Coelestis_Pastor matched rule encyclical 150 points
- Article Coelestis_Pastor matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Coelestis_Pastor matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
- Article Coelestis_Pastor matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Coelestis_Pastor matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
Total 390 points
- Article Benjamin_F._Ward matched rule church 40 points
- Article Benjamin_F._Ward matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
Total 80 points
- Article Distribution_of_Hindus_in_Guyana matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Distribution_of_Hindus_in_Guyana matched rule muslim -10 points
Total 50 points
- Article North_London_Line_City_Branch matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Taras_Shevchenko_(Mol) matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Taras_Shevchenko_(Mol) matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Johnson_School_(Davenport,_Iowa) matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
- Lead of the article Johnson_School_(Davenport,_Iowa) matched rule \Worthodox 120 points
- Article Johnson_School_(Davenport,_Iowa) matched rule congregation 45 points
- Lead of the article Johnson_School_(Davenport,_Iowa) matched rule congregation 90 points
- Article Johnson_School_(Davenport,_Iowa) matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Johnson_School_(Davenport,_Iowa) matched rule church 80 points
- Article Johnson_School_(Davenport,_Iowa) matched rule antioch 20 points
- Lead of the article Johnson_School_(Davenport,_Iowa) matched rule antioch 40 points
- Article Johnson_School_(Davenport,_Iowa) matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Johnson_School_(Davenport,_Iowa) matched rule school -20 points
Total 310 points
- Article Meade,Ohio matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Meade,Ohio matched rule church 80 points
- Article Meade,Ohio matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Meade,Ohio matched rule school -20 points
Total 60 points
- Article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule congregation 45 points
- Article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule church 80 points
- Article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
- Article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule altar 8 points
- Article St_Thomas'_Church,_East_Shefford matched rule list\sof -150 points
Total 53 points
- Article Hefsek_taharah matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article N._M._Joseph matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article N._M._Joseph matched rule minister 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Springhill_High_School_(Louisiana) matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Springhill_High_School_(Louisiana) matched rule church 80 points
- Article Springhill_High_School_(Louisiana) matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Springhill_High_School_(Louisiana) matched rule school -20 points
Total 60 points
- Article History_of_electricity_sector_in_Canada matched rule church 40 points
- Article History_of_electricity_sector_in_Canada matched rule minister 10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Pentlow matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Pentlow matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Lawrence_J._O'Connor matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Lawrence_J._O'Connor matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Lawrence_J._O'Connor matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Lawrence_J._O'Connor matched rule church 80 points
- Article Lawrence_J._O'Connor matched rule rectory 40 points
- Article Lawrence_J._O'Connor matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Lawrence_J._O'Connor matched rule school -20 points
Total 220 points
- Article Gilston matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Gilston matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Council_of_People's_Commissars_(Russia) matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Council_of_People's_Commissars_(Russia) matched rule minister 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Sack_of_Damietta_(853) matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Sack_of_Damietta_(853) matched rule muslim -10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Martín_De_León matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Martín_De_León matched rule church 40 points
Total 100 points
- Article The_Staves matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Lady_Iris_Mountbatten matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Lady_Iris_Mountbatten matched rule church 40 points
Total 100 points
- Article Wolzogen matched rule theolog 15 points
- Lead of the article Wolzogen matched rule theolog 30 points
- Article Wolzogen matched rule \Wtheologian 15 points
- Lead of the article Wolzogen matched rule \Wtheologian 30 points
- Article Wolzogen matched rule \{\{surname -20 points
- Lead of the article Wolzogen matched rule \{\{surname -40 points
Total 20 points
- Article Woeber_Carriage_Works matched rule rectory 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Stephen_Whitney_(1776-1860) matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article De_León's_Colony_(Texas) matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article De_León's_Colony_(Texas) matched rule school -10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Amable-Paul_Coutan matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Amable-Paul_Coutan matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Everardus_Antonius_M._Baaij matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Everardus_Antonius_M._Baaij matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Everardus_Antonius_M._Baaij matched rule congregation 45 points
- Article Everardus_Antonius_M._Baaij matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Everardus_Antonius_M._Baaij matched rule church 80 points
- Article Everardus_Antonius_M._Baaij matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
- Article Everardus_Antonius_M._Baaij matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Everardus_Antonius_M._Baaij matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Everardus_Antonius_M._Baaij matched rule list\sof -150 points
Total 200 points
- Article Circle_School_of_Ramla matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Circle_School_of_Ramla matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Circle_School_of_Ramla matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
- Article Circle_School_of_Ramla matched rule jerusalem 10 points
- Article Circle_School_of_Ramla matched rule list\sof -150 points
- Article Circle_School_of_Ramla matched rule muslim -10 points
- Article Circle_School_of_Ramla matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Circle_School_of_Ramla matched rule school -20 points
Total 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Spiridon_Mattar matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Spiridon_Mattar matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Spiridon_Mattar matched rule eparch 60 points
- Article Spiridon_Mattar matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Spiridon_Mattar matched rule church 80 points
- Article Spiridon_Mattar matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Spiridon_Mattar matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Spiridon_Mattar matched rule list\sof -150 points
Total 175 points
- Article Sandon,_Hertfordshire matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Sandon,_Hertfordshire matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Dennis_Cortes matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Dennis_Cortes matched rule school -10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Kaukuna_Kahekili matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Kaukuna_Kahekili matched rule Category:[^\]]*christianity 105 points
Total 165 points
- Article Leucostomatini matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Hadlow_(disambiguation) matched rule church 40 points
- Article Hadlow_(disambiguation) matched rule \{\{dab\}\} -20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Sadiq_Batcha matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Doron_Galezer matched rule jerusalem 10 points
Total 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article George_Heneage_(dean) matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article George_Heneage_(dean) matched rule church 80 points
- Article George_Heneage_(dean) matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article George_Heneage_(dean) matched rule archdeacon 30 points
- Article George_Heneage_(dean) matched rule deacon 5 points
Total 145 points
- Article The_Voice_of_Free_Libya matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article The_Voice_of_Free_Libya matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
Total 120 points
- Article Doaba_punjabi_christian_sabha matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Doaba_punjabi_christian_sabha matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
- Article Doaba_punjabi_christian_sabha matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Doaba_punjabi_christian_sabha matched rule church 80 points
- Article Doaba_punjabi_christian_sabha matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
- Lead of the article Doaba_punjabi_christian_sabha matched rule \Wpreach 50 points
Total 250 points
- Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Jindandao_Incident matched rule church 40 points
Total 160 points
- Article Ramat_Rachel_shooting_attack matched rule jerusalem 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule charism 70 points
- Article Imran_Zahid matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Imran_Zahid matched rule school -20 points
Total 50 points
- Article La_Vel_Freeman matched rule \Wsacrament 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Teeple_Architects matched rule church 40 points
- Article Teeple_Architects matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
Total 80 points
- Article AMU_exam_2011 matched rule rectory 40 points
- Article AMU_exam_2011 matched rule muslim -10 points
- Lead of the article AMU_exam_2011 matched rule muslim -20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Sewa_Singh_Sekhwan matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Sewa_Singh_Sekhwan matched rule minister 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Kapilendradeva matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article La_Pelegrina_pearl matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Mi_Propósito matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Mi_Propósito matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
Total 120 points
- Article El_Ritmo_de_la_Vida matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article El_Ritmo_de_la_Vida matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
Total 120 points
- Article Marshall_Leib matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
- Article Marshall_Leib matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Marshall_Leib matched rule school -20 points
Total 5 points
- Article Nazareno_Malegarie matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
- Article Nazareno_Malegarie matched rule sports -40 points
Total 20 points
- Article Mellie_Uyldert matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article St._Brigitte_Roman_Catholic_Church matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article St._Brigitte_Roman_Catholic_Church matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article St._Brigitte_Roman_Catholic_Church matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article St._Brigitte_Roman_Catholic_Church matched rule church 80 points
- Article St._Brigitte_Roman_Catholic_Church matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Lead of the article St._Brigitte_Roman_Catholic_Church matched rule \Wpriest 70 points
Total 270 points
- Article Political_Advertising matched rule charism 70 points
- Article Political_Advertising matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
Total 130 points
- Article Nouman_Ali_Khan matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
- Article Nouman_Ali_Khan matched rule muslim -10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Anna_Hotchkis matched rule constantinople 15 points
- Article Anna_Hotchkis matched rule school -10 points
Total 5 points
- Article Castle_of_Xabier matched rule basilica 15 points
- Lead of the article Castle_of_Xabier matched rule basilica 30 points
- Article Castle_of_Xabier matched rule muslim -10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Philip_Bartlett matched rule congregation 45 points
- Lead of the article Philip_Bartlett matched rule congregation 90 points
- Article Philip_Bartlett matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Philip_Bartlett matched rule church 80 points
- Article Philip_Bartlett matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Philip_Bartlett matched rule school -20 points
Total 150 points
- Article Clement_Flagler matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Clement_Flagler matched rule school -10 points
Total 50 points
Total 100 points
- Article Verboort,_Oregon matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Verboort,_Oregon matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Verboort,_Oregon matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Verboort,_Oregon matched rule church 80 points
- Article Verboort,_Oregon matched rule sports -40 points
- Article Verboort,_Oregon matched rule school -10 points
Total 150 points
- Article Rosario_Fernández matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Rosario_Fernández matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Rosario_Fernández matched rule minister 20 points
Total 80 points
- Article Ceci_n'est_pas_un_conte matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule church 40 points
- Article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule rectory 40 points
- Article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule diocesan 25 points
- Article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule altar 8 points
- Article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule sports -40 points
- Article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule basketball -40 points
- Article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Saint_gilbert_school matched rule school -20 points
Total 193 points
- Article Doulos_Resources matched rule \Wprotestant 80 points
- Lead of the article Doulos_Resources matched rule \Wprotestant 160 points
- Article Doulos_Resources matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Doulos_Resources matched rule church 40 points
- Article Doulos_Resources matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
- Article Doulos_Resources matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
- Article Doulos_Resources matched rule evangeli 20 points
- Lead of the article Doulos_Resources matched rule evangeli 40 points
- Article Doulos_Resources matched rule theolog 15 points
- Article Doulos_Resources matched rule divinity 15 points
Total 395 points
- Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule calvinis 55 points
- Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule church 80 points
- Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
- Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule clergy 20 points
- Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule theolog 15 points
- Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule divinity 15 points
- Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule \Wtheologian 15 points
- Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule minister 10 points
- Article J.E._Eubanks,_Jr. matched rule school -10 points
Total 300 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule sports -40 points
- Article Rich_Manley matched rule school -10 points
Total 70 points
- Article Trichopherophyton matched rule exarch 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Christopher_The_Minister matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Christopher_The_Minister matched rule minister 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article George_Carew_(dean) matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article George_Carew_(dean) matched rule church 80 points
- Article George_Carew_(dean) matched rule archdeacon 30 points
- Article George_Carew_(dean) matched rule deacon 5 points
Total 115 points
- Article Emanuel_Vidović matched rule church 40 points
- Article Emanuel_Vidović matched rule school -10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Ventarura matched rule exarch 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule aposto?l 55 points
- Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule church 80 points
- Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule theolog 15 points
- Lead of the article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule theolog 30 points
- Article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule \Wtheologian 15 points
- Lead of the article Saint_Petersburg_Roman_Catholic_Theological_Academy matched rule \Wtheologian 30 points
Total 440 points
- Article Birkenhead_Central_Library matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Antwone_taulton matched rule theolog 15 points
- Article Antwone_taulton matched rule divinity 15 points
Total 30 points
- Article Church_Notre-Dame-de-Lorette,_Paris matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Church_Notre-Dame-de-Lorette,_Paris matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Church_Notre-Dame-de-Lorette,_Paris matched rule church 80 points
Total 140 points
- Article GAIN_-_Global_Appraisal_of_Individual_Needs matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Daisy_Polk matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Daisy_Polk matched rule church 40 points
Total 100 points
- Article Annunciation_Greek_Orthodox_Cathedral,_Atlanta,_Georgia matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
- Lead of the article Annunciation_Greek_Orthodox_Cathedral,_Atlanta,_Georgia matched rule \Worthodox 120 points
- Article Annunciation_Greek_Orthodox_Cathedral,_Atlanta,_Georgia matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Annunciation_Greek_Orthodox_Cathedral,_Atlanta,_Georgia matched rule church 80 points
- Article Annunciation_Greek_Orthodox_Cathedral,_Atlanta,_Georgia matched rule bishop 30 points
- Lead of the article Annunciation_Greek_Orthodox_Cathedral,_Atlanta,_Georgia matched rule bishop 60 points
Total 260 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Men's_60_metres_hurdles matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article The_Giver_(upcoming_film) matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Vendetta_Pro_Wrestling matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article St_Elmo_Courts matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article St_Elmo_Courts matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Cross-Cultural_Leadership matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article August_of_Saxony matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article St._Mary's_Catholic_Cathedral_(Cheyenne,_Wyoming) matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article St._Mary's_Catholic_Cathedral_(Cheyenne,_Wyoming) matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article St._Mary's_Catholic_Cathedral_(Cheyenne,_Wyoming) matched rule church 40 points
- Article St._Mary's_Catholic_Cathedral_(Cheyenne,_Wyoming) matched rule bishop 30 points
Total 190 points
- Article Timeline_of_Sambalpur matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Maria_Rita_Epik matched rule jerusalem 10 points
- Lead of the article Maria_Rita_Epik matched rule jerusalem 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Elizabeth_Alden_Curtis_Holman matched rule \Wprotestant 80 points
- Lead of the article Elizabeth_Alden_Curtis_Holman matched rule \Wprotestant 160 points
- Article Elizabeth_Alden_Curtis_Holman matched rule \Wepiscopal 60 points
- Lead of the article Elizabeth_Alden_Curtis_Holman matched rule \Wepiscopal 120 points
- Article Elizabeth_Alden_Curtis_Holman matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Elizabeth_Alden_Curtis_Holman matched rule church 80 points
Total 360 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
- Lead of the article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule \Worthodox 120 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule church 80 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule minister 20 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule Category:[^\]]*eastern\sorthodox 95 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule Category:[^\]]*orthodox\schristian 20 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule sports -40 points
- Article Ramona_Mănescu matched rule school -10 points
Total 345 points
- Article Arthur_Hunnable matched rule church 40 points
- Article Arthur_Hunnable matched rule school -10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Glenford_Myers matched rule rectory 40 points
- Lead of the article Glenford_Myers matched rule rectory 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Andrew_McCallum matched rule rectory 40 points
- Lead of the article Andrew_McCallum matched rule rectory 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Seventh_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_South_Africa matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Sturley_Simpson matched rule altar 8 points
Total 8 points
- Article Edward_Alexander_Wyon matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Edward_Alexander_Wyon matched rule church 80 points
- Article Edward_Alexander_Wyon matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Edward_Alexander_Wyon matched rule evangeli 20 points
- Lead of the article Edward_Alexander_Wyon matched rule evangeli 40 points
Total 150 points
- Article People_of_Ya-Sin matched rule aposto?l 55 points
- Article People_of_Ya-Sin matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
- Article People_of_Ya-Sin matched rule antioch 20 points
- Article People_of_Ya-Sin matched rule \Wmartyr 20 points
- Article People_of_Ya-Sin matched rule muslim -10 points
- Lead of the article People_of_Ya-Sin matched rule muslim -20 points
- Article People_of_Ya-Sin matched rule school -10 points
Total 90 points
- Article S._officinalis matched rule bishop 30 points
- Lead of the article S._officinalis matched rule bishop 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Dimitar_Rachkov matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
Total 35 points
- Article Central_Bureau_of_Narcotics matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Vasilije matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
- Article Vasilije matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Vasilije matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Vasilije matched rule theolog 15 points
- Article Vasilije matched rule \Wtheologian 15 points
- Article Vasilije matched rule football -40 points
- Article Vasilije matched rule \{\{given name -20 points
Total 95 points
- Article Guignard matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Guignard matched rule \{\{surname -20 points
Total 15 points
- Article Industries_Mécaniques_Maghrébines matched rule altar 8 points
Total 8 points
- Article Verónica_Vargas matched rule alexandria 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \Wmartyr 20 points
- Lead of the article La_Petite_Aurore:_l'enfant_martyre_(film) matched rule \Wmartyr 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article A_Haggadah_For_The_Nonobservant matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Chinnaponnu matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Huda_al-Baan matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Huda_al-Baan matched rule minister 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Mark_the_Deacon matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Mark_the_Deacon matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Mark_the_Deacon matched rule church 80 points
- Article Mark_the_Deacon matched rule theolog 15 points
- Article Mark_the_Deacon matched rule \Wtheologian 15 points
- Article Mark_the_Deacon matched rule jerusalem 10 points
- Lead of the article Mark_the_Deacon matched rule jerusalem 20 points
- Article Mark_the_Deacon matched rule deacon 5 points
- Lead of the article Mark_the_Deacon matched rule deacon 10 points
Total 200 points
- Article Saint_Therese_Building matched rule theolog 15 points
Total 15 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule arminianism 80 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wprotestant 80 points
- Lead of the article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wprotestant 160 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule calvinis 55 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule congregation 45 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule church 80 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
- Lead of the article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wbaptis 80 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule archdeacon 30 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule diocesan 25 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
- Lead of the article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule \Wpreach 50 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule evangeli 20 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule nonconformi 20 points
- Lead of the article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule nonconformi 40 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule minister 10 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule communion 5 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule deacon 5 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule list\sof -150 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule jehovah's\switness -20 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule muslim -10 points
- Article List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_(district) matched rule school -10 points
Total 800 points
- Article Phil_and_John matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Phil_and_John matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
Total 120 points
- Article 2009_European_Athletics_Indoor_Championships_–_Men's_1500_metres matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article The_works_of_Michael_Gorman matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Rimkai matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Rimkai matched rule church 80 points
- Article Rimkai matched rule \Wbeliever 10 points
- Lead of the article Rimkai matched rule \Wbeliever 20 points
Total 100 points
- Article Lu_Dingyi matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Archimede_Middle_East,_Inc matched rule rectory 40 points
- Article Archimede_Middle_East,_Inc matched rule school -10 points
Total 30 points
- Article George_Seton,_7th_Lord_Seton matched rule \Wprotestant 80 points
- Article George_Seton,_7th_Lord_Seton matched rule congregation 45 points
- Article George_Seton,_7th_Lord_Seton matched rule church 40 points
Total 165 points
- Article Peter_Shaw_(physician) matched rule church 40 points
- Article Peter_Shaw_(physician) matched rule school -10 points
Total 30 points
- Article International_Jewish_Day matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article International_Jewish_Day matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article International_Jewish_Day matched rule church 40 points
- Article International_Jewish_Day matched rule bishop 30 points
Total 190 points
- Article Walter_Schmidt_(minister) matched rule aposto?l 55 points
- Lead of the article Walter_Schmidt_(minister) matched rule aposto?l 110 points
- Article Walter_Schmidt_(minister) matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Walter_Schmidt_(minister) matched rule church 80 points
- Article Walter_Schmidt_(minister) matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Walter_Schmidt_(minister) matched rule evangeli 20 points
- Article Walter_Schmidt_(minister) matched rule deacon 5 points
Total 250 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule church 40 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule minister 10 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule Category:[^\]]*orthodox\schristian 20 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule list\sof -150 points
- Article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Alexandru_Tzigara-Samurcaş matched rule school -20 points
Total 110 points
Total 30 points
- Article Marie_Sophie_of_Hesse-Darmstadt matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article George_Seton,_6th_Lord_Seton matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Victims_of_Acts_of_Terror_Memorial matched rule jerusalem 10 points
- Lead of the article Victims_of_Acts_of_Terror_Memorial matched rule jerusalem 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Auguste_Magdalene_of_Hessen-Darmstadt matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Nathaniel_Hodges matched rule church 40 points
- Article Nathaniel_Hodges matched rule school -10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Peter_Barwick matched rule church 40 points
- Article Peter_Barwick matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Peter_Barwick matched rule archdeacon 30 points
- Article Peter_Barwick matched rule clergy 20 points
- Article Peter_Barwick matched rule deacon 5 points
- Article Peter_Barwick matched rule school -10 points
Total 115 points
- Article Paul_von_Krause matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Benjamin_Schwarz_(writer) matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Benjamin_Schwarz_(writer) matched rule church 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Jan_Baptist_Verrijt matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
- Lead of the article Jan_Baptist_Verrijt matched rule \Wbaptis 80 points
Total 80 points
- Article Forge_River_(New_York) matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Forge_River_(New_York) matched rule school -10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Mike_Thomas_(baseball) matched rule \Wsacrament 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article George_Patterson_(Tibetan_resistance) matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Japan_Center_for_International_Exchange matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Siege_of_Tarragona_(1811) matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article La_viuda_joven matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article La_viuda_joven matched rule church 40 points
Total 100 points
- Article Old_Mill_Road matched rule \Wepiscopal 60 points
- Lead of the article Old_Mill_Road matched rule \Wepiscopal 120 points
- Article Old_Mill_Road matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Old_Mill_Road matched rule church 80 points
Total 200 points
- Article Causes_and_correlates_of_crime matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
- Article Causes_and_correlates_of_crime matched rule school -10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Zatikon matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
Total 35 points
- Article Something_Big_(album) matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Christine_Frederick matched rule evangeli 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Mehdi_Mohammed_Zeyo matched rule \Wmartyr 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Charles_Edward_Stuart,_Count_Roehenstart matched rule \Wprotestant 80 points
- Article Charles_Edward_Stuart,_Count_Roehenstart matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Edward_Stuart,_Count_Roehenstart matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Charles_Edward_Stuart,_Count_Roehenstart matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Edward_Stuart,_Count_Roehenstart matched rule church 80 points
- Article Charles_Edward_Stuart,_Count_Roehenstart matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
- Article Charles_Edward_Stuart,_Count_Roehenstart matched rule bishop 30 points
- Lead of the article Charles_Edward_Stuart,_Count_Roehenstart matched rule bishop 60 points
- Article Charles_Edward_Stuart,_Count_Roehenstart matched rule list\sof -150 points
Total 230 points
- Article Cathedral_of_the_Immaculate_Conception_(Springfield,_Illinois) matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Cathedral_of_the_Immaculate_Conception_(Springfield,_Illinois) matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Cathedral_of_the_Immaculate_Conception_(Springfield,_Illinois) matched rule church 40 points
- Article Cathedral_of_the_Immaculate_Conception_(Springfield,_Illinois) matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Cathedral_of_the_Immaculate_Conception_(Springfield,_Illinois) matched rule school -10 points
Total 180 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Worthodox 60 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule \Wmormon -20 points
- Article Meryl_Streep_in_the_2000s matched rule school -10 points
Total 125 points
- Article Ali_al-Essawi matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Long-Thibaud-Crespin_Competition matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Shimoda_Conference matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule congregation 45 points
- Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule church 80 points
- Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule archdeacon 30 points
- Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule clergy 20 points
- Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule minister 10 points
- Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule deacon 5 points
- Article Knox_United_Church_(Saskatoon) matched rule school -10 points
Total 245 points
- Article Caitlin_Carmichael matched rule church 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Garden_of_the_Missing_Soldiers matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Garden_of_the_Missing_Soldiers matched rule minister 20 points
- Article Garden_of_the_Missing_Soldiers matched rule jerusalem 10 points
- Lead of the article Garden_of_the_Missing_Soldiers matched rule jerusalem 20 points
Total 40 points
- Article Men's_Team_Archery_at_the_Summer_Olympics matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
Total 35 points
- Article Vercelli_Cathedral matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Vercelli_Cathedral matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Vercelli_Cathedral matched rule church 80 points
- Article Vercelli_Cathedral matched rule bishop 30 points
- Lead of the article Vercelli_Cathedral matched rule bishop 60 points
- Article Vercelli_Cathedral matched rule basilica 15 points
- Article Vercelli_Cathedral matched rule altar 8 points
Total 223 points
- Article John_V._Soto matched rule rectory 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Doron_Avital matched rule jerusalem 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Brian_S._Brown matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Brian_S._Brown matched rule school -10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Inquilaab_-_The_Story_of_Junoon matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Dbayeh matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Dbayeh matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Dbayeh matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Dbayeh matched rule school -20 points
Total 100 points
- Article Mikoyan-Gurevich_I-3 matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Archimede_Middle_East,_Inc. matched rule rectory 40 points
- Article Archimede_Middle_East,_Inc. matched rule school -10 points
Total 30 points
- Article Mohammad_Mansoornejad matched rule \Wprotestant 80 points
- Article Mohammad_Mansoornejad matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Mohammad_Mansoornejad matched rule theolog 15 points
- Lead of the article Mohammad_Mansoornejad matched rule theolog 30 points
- Article Mohammad_Mansoornejad matched rule muslim -10 points
Total 160 points
- Article Pokeware matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Fredrik_Paulsson matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Fredrik_Paulsson matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
Total 120 points
- Article Christian_School_of_Kingwood matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Christian_School_of_Kingwood matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
- Article Christian_School_of_Kingwood matched rule church 40 points
- Article Christian_School_of_Kingwood matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Christian_School_of_Kingwood matched rule school -20 points
Total 140 points
- Article Opération_Harmattan matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Edward_Gee matched rule \Wprotestant 80 points
- Article Edward_Gee matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Edward_Gee matched rule \Wsacrament 60 points
- Article Edward_Gee matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Edward_Gee matched rule church 80 points
- Article Edward_Gee matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
- Article Edward_Gee matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Edward_Gee matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Edward_Gee matched rule theolog 15 points
- Article Edward_Gee matched rule school -10 points
Total 390 points
- Article Internal_Security_Service matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Winfried_Kretschmann matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Winfried_Kretschmann matched rule school -10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
- Article Charles_Randolph-Wright matched rule school -10 points
Total 15 points
- Article Melchior_Wathelet_Jr. matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Melchior_Wathelet_Jr. matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
Total 120 points
- Article Richard_Parr matched rule rectory 40 points
- Article Richard_Parr matched rule bishop 30 points
- Lead of the article Richard_Parr matched rule bishop 60 points
- Article Richard_Parr matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
Total 125 points
- Article Reifendrehen matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Ruprecht_of_the_Palatinate_(Archbishop_of_Cologne) matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Ruprecht_of_the_Palatinate_(Archbishop_of_Cologne) matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Ruprecht_of_the_Palatinate_(Archbishop_of_Cologne) matched rule \Wepiscopal 60 points
- Article Ruprecht_of_the_Palatinate_(Archbishop_of_Cologne) matched rule \Wpriest 35 points
- Article Ruprecht_of_the_Palatinate_(Archbishop_of_Cologne) matched rule bishop 30 points
- Lead of the article Ruprecht_of_the_Palatinate_(Archbishop_of_Cologne) matched rule bishop 60 points
- Article Ruprecht_of_the_Palatinate_(Archbishop_of_Cologne) matched rule excommunication 30 points
- Article Ruprecht_of_the_Palatinate_(Archbishop_of_Cologne) matched rule deacon 5 points
Total 310 points
- Article Edward_Gee_of_Eccleston matched rule synod 90 points
- Article Edward_Gee_of_Eccleston matched rule church 40 points
- Article Edward_Gee_of_Eccleston matched rule bishop 30 points
- Article Edward_Gee_of_Eccleston matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
- Article Edward_Gee_of_Eccleston matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Edward_Gee_of_Eccleston matched rule minister 20 points
- Article Edward_Gee_of_Eccleston matched rule school -10 points
Total 195 points
- Article Oxford_Terrace_Baptist_Church matched rule synod 90 points
- Article Oxford_Terrace_Baptist_Church matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Oxford_Terrace_Baptist_Church matched rule congregation 45 points
- Article Oxford_Terrace_Baptist_Church matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Oxford_Terrace_Baptist_Church matched rule church 80 points
- Article Oxford_Terrace_Baptist_Church matched rule \Wbaptis 40 points
- Lead of the article Oxford_Terrace_Baptist_Church matched rule \Wbaptis 80 points
- Article Oxford_Terrace_Baptist_Church matched rule archdeacon 30 points
- Article Oxford_Terrace_Baptist_Church matched rule minister 10 points
- Article Oxford_Terrace_Baptist_Church matched rule deacon 5 points
Total 400 points
- Article Operation_Odyssey_Dawn matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article Department_of_Optometry,_KNUST matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Department_of_Optometry,_KNUST matched rule evangeli 20 points
- Article Department_of_Optometry,_KNUST matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Department_of_Optometry,_KNUST matched rule school -20 points
Total 60 points
- Article Afuʻalo_Matoto matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Afuʻalo_Matoto matched rule church 40 points
- Article Afuʻalo_Matoto matched rule clergy 20 points
- Article Afuʻalo_Matoto matched rule minister 10 points
- Article Afuʻalo_Matoto matched rule football -40 points
- Article Afuʻalo_Matoto matched rule school -10 points
Total 80 points
- Article John_Langston_Gwaltney matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article John_Langston_Gwaltney matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
- Article John_Langston_Gwaltney matched rule school -10 points
Total 110 points
- Article Samuel_Angier matched rule church 40 points
- Article Samuel_Angier matched rule nonconformi 20 points
- Lead of the article Samuel_Angier matched rule nonconformi 40 points
- Article Samuel_Angier matched rule theolog 15 points
- Article Samuel_Angier matched rule \Wtheologian 15 points
- Article Samuel_Angier matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Samuel_Angier matched rule minister 20 points
Total 130 points
- Article Drumlane matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Drumlane matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article Drumlane matched rule church 80 points
Total 140 points
- Article Rood_of_Grace matched rule \Wprotestant 80 points
- Lead of the article Rood_of_Grace matched rule \Wprotestant 160 points
- Article Rood_of_Grace matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Lead of the article Rood_of_Grace matched rule \Wcatholic 120 points
- Article Rood_of_Grace matched rule bishop 30 points
Total 310 points
- Article The_Failure_Epiphany matched rule \Wmartyr 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Boue_souers matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article John_Orr_Young matched rule rectory 40 points
Total 40 points
- Article Matthew_Mead_(minister) matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Matthew_Mead_(minister) matched rule congregation 45 points
- Article Matthew_Mead_(minister) matched rule church 40 points
- Article Matthew_Mead_(minister) matched rule \Wpreach 25 points
- Article Matthew_Mead_(minister) matched rule theolog 15 points
- Article Matthew_Mead_(minister) matched rule \Wtheologian 15 points
- Article Matthew_Mead_(minister) matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Matthew_Mead_(minister) matched rule minister 20 points
Total 220 points
- Article Conférence_des_directeurs_des_écoles_françaises_d'ingénieurs_(CDEFI) matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Article Conférence_des_directeurs_des_écoles_françaises_d'ingénieurs_(CDEFI) matched rule minister 10 points
- Article Conférence_des_directeurs_des_écoles_françaises_d'ingénieurs_(CDEFI) matched rule school -10 points
- Lead of the article Conférence_des_directeurs_des_écoles_françaises_d'ingénieurs_(CDEFI) matched rule school -20 points
Total 50 points
- Article Joseph_Kowalski matched rule \Wcatholic 60 points
- Article Joseph_Kowalski matched rule school -10 points
Total 50 points
- Article Kabbouche matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Kabbouche matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
Total 120 points
- Article Rue_Chehadeh matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Rue_Chehadeh matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
Total 120 points
- Article Rudolf_Arnold_Nieberding matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Tabaris matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Tabaris matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
Total 120 points
- Article Mehmed_Saqizli matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article Mehmed_Saqizli matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
Total 120 points
- Article Olivier_Chastel matched rule minister 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Indians_in_Egypt matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
Total 60 points
- Article William_James_Morris matched rule \Wchristian 60 points
- Lead of the article William_James_Morris matched rule \Wchristian 120 points
- Article William_James_Morris matched rule church 40 points
- Lead of the article William_James_Morris matched rule church 80 points
- Article William_James_Morris matched rule clergy 20 points
- Article William_James_Morris matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article William_James_Morris matched rule minister 20 points
- Article William_James_Morris matched rule school -10 points
Total 230 points
- Article Colin_Moock matched rule aposto?l 55 points
Total 55 points
- Article Annemie_Turtelboom matched rule minister 10 points
- Lead of the article Annemie_Turtelboom matched rule minister 20 points
Total 20 points