Eduard Dolkart- Artist and Doctor of Philosophy and Sociology, Holocaust Survivor Born on September 19, 1937 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Despite his age and a very complex and tragic story ,he is still an active artist with over 100 different works and in different sizes that also reach several tons per exhibite.

Has published 3 books in sociology and about 70 publications of scientific journals in various fields. As part of his research, he worked with war wounded soldiers and published studies on the subject.

He graduated from the University of Tashkent and served as Vice-Rector at the Government University for many years in the following fields: Philosophy, Sociology and Art.

Holder of sports titles in gymnastics and other types of sports.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he immigrated to Israel in 1991.

The sculptures of Eduard Dolkart are done from various materials - stone, marble, metal, wood and mosaic are placed at about 30 sites throughout Israel, USA, Canada, and Belgium.

His works, some of which deal with biblical events and Judaism, are located in private collections and museums abroad. He has participated in various art exhibitions and is the first Israeli artist to have his works exhibited in Slovakia.

He has been working for the Ashdod Municipality for more than 10 years and is involved in creating urban art for the city.

For his outstanding achievements in the field of art and in recognition and appreciation for his work and contribution to society and the city of Ashdod, he was awarded the "Golden Brush Award".