Elves of Alexco


In the world of Alexco there are 4 types of elves, they are as follows in order of seniority by species creation, Spectral-Temporal Elves (or just Setnian Elves), Necro Elves (or Dark Elves), Solar Elves (or Noble Elves), and Lunar Elves (or Storm Elves). The two Gods, Soul and Time, created and supported the Setnian Elves; while overseeing their main task of lessening the demonic population of the new creation. They are the oldest race and are now extinct except for the Mage Who is God, Sra Shadows. The Dark Elves were created by Death to balence the light and dark energies of the new world, though they commanded Frost, Poisons, and Death; a vast majority stayed uncorrupted. This allowed for peaceful ties with their older kin the Setnian Elves, their kingdoms even had a positions of Nobility in the Sacrid Forest, unforntunately these elves are too, extinct. The Noble Elves however are not extinct, these elves live in The Mage's new realm (this realm is neither new nor has no name, it's actual name is Venzir and is about 1 thousand divine years old), these elves command Heat and Wind magics and are the older of the two elvin races living in Venzir. The Storm Elves also were created by The Mage and live in Venzir, they are the newest of the elvin races in the world of Alexco, they command Water and Electricity magics.