User:Alexis Reggae/Dice roll/doc

This is currently broken and not as random as it should be


Create a new page (generally in user space) with {{User:Alexis Reggae/Dice roll|maximum number}}. Never edit the page again or the number will change. When the maximum number is omitted it will default to 6, returning a number ranging from 1 to 6 like typical dice. Re-parsing the page will not change the number.

This is useful when a random number is needed that is picked in an impartial way. However, this should not be used for anything of great importance with lasting consequences. It would be difficult to predict/influence the outcome but not impossible.

The unpredictability relies on two things: the difficulty in determining the exact second you submit an edit and the page ID which isn't visible in preview when creating a new page. As pages are continuously created outside your control it's difficult to predict the page ID a newly created page will get.
