User:Alextheconservative/OU elections in the 2021-2 Academic Year

Electoral system


The method for electing positions is determined by Standing Order D4 of the Rules, Standing Orders, and Special Schedules of the Oxford Union Society. 11 positions were elected for Secretary's Committee, 6 positions were elected for Standing Committee (5 until Trinity Term 2022), and 1 position was elected for each of the Officer positions. For the Officer positions, the option to "re-open nominations" is available for voters alongside validly nominated candidates. The election uses a form of single transferable vote for all positions, with a randomised ballot order.

Counts work as follows:

  1. The quota is calculated using the following formula, where v is the number of valid votes and s is the number of positions to be filled, rounded down to 2 decimal places: v/s + 1 + 0.01
  2. Each ballot paper is given a value of 1, and first preferences are distributed
  3. If one or more candidates are over quota, the candidate with the most votes is declared elected (only 1 candidate may be elected in each round) and their surplus is redistributed (see below)
  4. If no candidates meet quota, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is eliminated and their votes are redistributed (see below)
  5. If no candidates meet quota, but the elimination of a candidate would lead to the number of remaining candidates plus elected candidates being equal to the number of positions to be filled (for example, if 3 candidates are left for Standing Committee (none meeting quota), and 4 other candidates have already been declared elected), then all candidates save the one with the lowest number of votes are declared elected


  1. If a candidate is over quota, the surplus is calculated using the following formula: Votes received by the Elected Candidate - Quota
  2. Each ballot is then transferred at the value given by the following formula, rounded down to 3 decimal places: Current vote value × Surplus/Total value of votes received by the candidate
  3. If a candidate is eliminated, their votes are redistributed at their current value

Important note


The "party" parameter in these templates is used for colleges - unfortunately, no method exists to change it to college. Names are as listed on ballot papers.

Trinity Term 2022


The Returning Officer for this election was Christopher Collins (Corpus Christi College).


TT22 election for President-Elect
Party Candidate FPv% Count
  New Charlie Mackintosh 64.6 474
  Magdalen Anvee Bhutani 29.4 216
N/A Re-open nominations 6.0 44
Valid: 734   Spoilt: 45   Quota: 367.01   Turnout: 779  


TT22 election for Librarian-Elect
Party Candidate FPv% Count
  St John's Disha Hegde 64.1 430
  Pembroke Mekaeel Malik 26.1 175
N/A Re-open nominations 9.8 66
Valid: 671   Spoilt: 108   Quota: 335.51   Turnout: 779  


TT22 election for Treasurer-Elect
Party Candidate FPv% Count
  University Sharon Chau 61.3 411
  Regent's Park Israr Khan 31.1 209
N/A Re-open nominations 7.6 51
Valid: 671   Spoilt: 108   Quota: 335.51   Turnout: 779  


TT22 election for Secretary
Party Candidate FPv% Count
  Magdalen Matthew Dick 57.9 395
  Balliol Alex Garcia 36.5 249
N/A Re-open nominations 5.6 38
Valid: 682   Spoilt: 97   Quota: 341.01   Turnout: 779  

Standing Committee

TT22 election for Standing Committee
Party Candidate FPv% Count
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  Lincoln Hannah Edwards 15.5 108              
  Exeter Spencer Shia 15.3 107 108.425            
  Magdalen Rosalie Chapman 14.6 102 102.665 103.725          
  Hertford Lukas Seifert 13.0 91 92.330 94.270 94.896 99.147 101.347    
  St Anne's Rosie Jacobs 12.3 86 87.710 89.075 89.700 93.199 100.345 100.906  
  New Tom Elliott 11.4 80 81.045 83.375 83.788 91.249 98.785 99.511 99.985
  Pembroke Joe Murray 7.4 52 52.760 53.420 53.944 57.059 58.307 58.467 58.983
  Reuben Sami Adnan 5.6 39 39.475 39.895 40.762 45.156      
  Corpus Christi Kwabena Osei 4.9 34 34.665 35.410 36.175        
Valid: 699   Spoilt: 80   Quota: 99.86   Turnout: 779  

Secretary's Committee

TT22 election for Secretary's Committee
Party Candidate FPv% Count
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  Magdalen Ciaron Tobin 10.9 72                      
  Corpus Christi Sebastian Watkins 10.6 70 72.853                    
  New Lewis Fisher 10.0 66 66.634 67.858                  
  Mansfield Kajaanan Vijitharan 7.9 52 56.121 58.083 59.224                
  St Hugh's Edie Guo 8.5 56 56.317 57.793 58.825 58.946              
  St Edmund Hall Conrad Frøyland Moe 7.9 52 52.951 54.175 55.207 55.449 55.916            
  Pembroke Beau Boka-Batesa 7.1 47 48.268 48.637 50.701 52.136 52.136 52.225 53.225 57.225      
  Regent's Park Amy Gilbride 6.3 42 42.634 43.372 43.843 44.027 44.732 44.823 48.561 51.561 51.719 56.213  
  Lady Margaret Hall Emily MacLeod 5.7 38 38.951 41.165 42.237 42.760 43.042 43.126 44.126 50.832 51.244 54.244 54.618
  Christ Church Amy Ellis Winter 5.1 34 35.268 40.668 42.044 42.320 42.932 43.139 49.852 52.072 52.584 53.639 54.010
  St Hugh's Geronimo Hayaux Du Tilly 4.7 31 31.951 32.689 34.409 34.564 34.612 34.697 36.358 37.358 37.846 39.846 39.999
  St Hilda's Carys Hoggan 4.2 28 28.634 28.751 29.783 30.456 31.350 31.460 32.462 33.462 33.766 34.834 34.964
  Balliol Klemens Okkels 4.2 28 28.317 28.686 28.686 28.809 29.373 29.376 29.376 29.837 30.008    
  Exeter Emmanuel Tran 3.8 25 26.268 27.006 27.006 27.224 27.417 27.471 27.471        
  University Isabella Penna 3.2 21 21.634 22.741 24.461 24.553 24.553 24.555          
Valid: 662   Spoilt: 117   Quota: 55.17   Turnout: 779  

Michaelmas Term 2021


The Returning Officer for this election was Lachlann Hinley (St John's College).


MT21 election for President-Elect
Party Candidate FPv% Count
  University Michael-Akolade Ayodeji 52.0 486
  Lincoln Ambika Sehgal 43.5 406
N/A Re-open nominations 4.5 42
Valid: 934   Spoilt: 104   Quota: 467.01   Turnout: 1,038  


MT21 election for Librarian-Elect
Party Candidate FPv% Count
  New Charlie Mackintosh 52.9 460
  Balliol Dan Pauls 42.0 365
N/A Re-open nominations 5.2 45
Valid: 870   Spoilt: 169   Quota: 435.01   Turnout: 1,039  


MT21 election for Treasurer-Elect
Party Candidate FPv% Count
1 2
  Merton Naman Gupta 49.2 434 449
  Keble Theo Sergiou 43.2 381 389
N/A Re-open nominations 7.6 67  
Valid: 882   Spoilt: 155   Quota: 441.01   Turnout: 1,037  


MT21 election for Secretary
Party Candidate FPv% Count
  Christ Church Anjali Ramanathan 58.7 502
  St Anne's Laura Smith 35.4 303
N/A Re-open nominations 5.8 50
Valid: 855   Spoilt: 185   Quota: 427.51   Turnout: 1,040  

Standing Committee

MT21 election for Standing Committee
Party Candidate FPv% Count
1 2 3 4 5
  Hertford Alex Fish 23.8 209        
  Mansfield Larissa Koerber 14.9 131 142.615 163.635    
  Magdalen Daniel Dipper 15.1 133 145.625 158.635 162.332  
  Mansfield Joshua Chima 12.3 108 117.595 128.110 134.346 144.527
  St Hugh's Jacobus Petersen 11.5 101 115.140 130.665 134.109 136.795
  Merton Simon van Teutem 13.3 117 122.555 124.555 128.495 131.583
  New Lucy Banks 9.0 79 88.090      
Valid: 878   Spoilt: 161   Quota: 146.34   Turnout: 1,039  

Secretary's Committee

MT21 election for Secretary's Committee
Party Candidate FPv% Count
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
  Balliol Alex Garcia 6.2 59 60 62 62 63 63 64 70 72 74 81        
  Keble Emma Zinkin 7.2 68 69 69 71 73 73 74 74 74 74 77 77.320 79.352    
  Linacre Justin Hayto 7.8 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75.000 76.032 76.034 78.034
  Hertford Jenny Grehan-Bradley 7.7 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74.096 74.128 74.148 77.150
  St Peter's Victor Lamotte 6.4 61 61 61 62 63 63 64 65 69 69 71 71.032 71.064 71.072 75.072
  St John's Disha Hegde 4.9 47 47 47 48 48 48 51 51 51 54 60 60.224 65.320 65.326 67.326
  Magdalen Anvee Bhutani 3.9 37 37 39 42 42 44 46 50 53 57 58 58.160 64.192 64.204 65.204
  Christ Church Lukas Seifert 5.2 49 49 49 50 50 50 51 55 56 60 60 60.096 61.096 61.100 65.100
  Magdalen Matthew Dick 4.0 38 39 45 45 45 47 49 50 53 54 56 56.160 58.192 58.202 62.202
  New Nicole Reid 3.8 36 36 37 37 41 41 43 48 50 52 52 52.064 55.096 55.106 59.106
  Wadham Jana Everett 5.8 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55.064 59.064 59.066 59.066
  St Cross Vinay Raniga 5.3 50 50 50 51 52 54 55 55 56 56 56 56.032 56.032 56.034 56.034
  Lincoln Eva Stuart 5.0 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 51 51 51 51.032 52.032 52.036  
  Regent's Park Israr Khan 3.5 33 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 37 39 44 44.448      
  Worcester Amelia Potocka 3.4 32 32 32 32 33 34 34 36 36[a] 38          
  University Nidhi Madhani 3.4 32 32 32 32 33 34 35 35 36[a]            
  St Edmund Hall Imaan Saeed 3.2 30 30 30 31 31 31 34 34              
  Trinity Leo Buckley 2.9 28 28 29 31 32 32 33                
  Pembroke Alec Lau 2.8 27 28 28 28 28 30                  
  Merton Roshni Amitha 2.0 19 19 19 19 19                    
  St Catherine's Cartell Cheema 1.9 18 18 18[a] 18                      
  Trinity Tallulah Brady 1.9 18 18 18[a]                        
  Magdalen Ciaron Tobin 1.4 13 13                          
  Pembroke John Karanasios 0.6 6                            
Valid: 951   Spoilt: 88   Quota: 79.26   Turnout: 1,039  
  1. ^ a b c d Tie broken by drawing of lots.