User:Ali nankali/Nankali-post system

The Nankali-post system is a post-core, which is used in prosthodontology and dental restoration. This post consist of a single parallel smooth or serrated post and core which have an additional circle ring around it.

Nankali-post System.

The additional single-circle ring increases the contact surface area between the core and involved hard tissue of tooth significantly. Increased contact surface area raises the level of force between to objects (remained hard tissue of tooth and post-core) followed by declining the number of fails in treatment.[1]

General indications for Nankali-post system


The main general indications are:

1- Badly broken down teeth, 2- Trauma, 3- Tooth wear (erosion), 4- Hypoplastic conditions, 5- As part of another restoration, 6- combined indication, 7- Non-vital teeth, 8- ... [2]


Nankali-post System.

The majority of the advantages of the Nankali-post System are the same as other post and core systems; however, there are some additional issues which make it different such as:

1- increasing the contact surface between the hard tissue of tooth and post and core,

2- minimum required preparation of the hard tissue,

3- and declining the number of difficulties at the time of tooth preparation and most importantly suitable for treatment of those teeth, in which there is a difficulty to dip in the root canal more than 50% of root length , and therefore they had to be extracted before.

The Nankali-post can be used for treating both single or multi-roots teeth and also in combination with other type of prosthetics.

The insertion ring increases the level of fixation, distribute equally mastication pressure and provide appropriate condition for prosthetics.

The Nankali-post system is also recommended for using bridges, crown or other types of dental prosthetics, if a post core is required for treatment .



There are some issues, which can make some difficulties to use the Nankali-post system.

1- Exact casting ( an exact casted post-core is required to get the highest result, particularly, when the depth of preparated canal is less than 50% of the root length),

2- Specific bur is required,

3- ↑ plaque accumulation and changes in compasition,[3]

4- Damage to soft tissues and remaining teeth, due to either poor debture design or lack of patient care,[4]


Fractured teeth

Picture A, B, C and D illustrate the situations of different fractured teeth in which the fracture lines pass the crown part of the tooth.

The Nankali-post is suitable for those types of fractions, in which the fracture line passes to the crown. In the first stage needs to be sure that there is no sign of any fracture in the mandible or maxilla, then analyse the possibility of treatment the canal of fractured tooth. In addition, the condition of the tooth for using the bore requests to be checked as well.[5]

In the situation of having suitable condition, after treatment and preparation the root canal, it is possible to use this type of post-core.

Four years observation of patients treated by this method, confirmed a 100% result without any complication in the National Medical University at the Orthopedic and Implant Stomatology Department, however, before using this type of treatment the conditions have to analyse carefully!

Treatment with the Nankali- post


The essential requirement for using the Nankali-post is its bur, which is designed in different sizes to produce an additional circle ring around the canal of a tooth.

The same as traditional treatment method by any post and core, the root canal is prepared using parallel-side twist drill after treating and filling canal by an inert gutta percha or similar material. Then root canal needs to be prepared with the maximum possible depth for the second stage. However, it has to be noticed that the minimum essential requirement of canal for the Nankali-post is one third of its length, which is necessary to fix the core.<refNankali A.(2006)Usage the New Post System with Insertion Ring, Soveremenaia Stomatologia Journal/ Kiev, Ukraine 2(34) 2006, p142-144</ref>

In the next stage, using the Nankali-post’s bur, dentist prepares an additional circle ring around the canal of tooth. The post and core can then be constructed either by a direct technique or by an indirect technique. In the direct technique a pattern is fabricated in the mouth using either inlay wax or a burn out resin (e.g. Duralay) which is then sent to the laboratory for casting. For the direct technique, which is more widely used, an impression is taken using a matched plastic impression post placed in the prepared post hole.

For the post-core, it is possible to use different material such as metals or the high strong fibres which is used in dental laboratories.

Schema of the bur of Nankali-post System. 1-Head, 2-cutter, 3-Body, 4-Holder

The designed bur (Nankali-bur) for treating a tooth is a bore consists of a central guider and two symmetrical cutter to produce a single-circle ring. This bore is used after preparation the root canal similar to other posts.

The two main advantages of this bore are speed in preparation root canals and its accuracy. The bore designed in different sizes, which make it available for using in treatment different teeth. The depth of the prepared ring is in direct proportion with the size of bore.[6]

One of the main problems of using the Nankali-post system is its bur, which means without having the bur it is impossible to use it for treatment because of its inaccuracy.



The Nankali-post was designed in 1997 by Dr. Ali Nankali in the | National Medical University at the Orthopedic and Implant Stomatology Department, which (October 1999) became a part of Dr. Ali Nankali dissertation, verified by Scientific Board of National Medical University (O.O. Bogomolets) and international patent organization (УДК; 616.314-76-77:616.314.11-74:678.029.46:612.311) in Kiev.

For the first time It presented at the 54Th Medical Science Conference of Students & Young Scientists in 1999, which was organized by Ukraine Health Ministry and National Medical University known as O.O. Bogomolets and Society Science Students known as O.O. Kisilia. The result of presentation in "Young Scientists and Students / Scientific Medical Seminar in 1999" was published.

The image of first Bur, which was used for treatment teeth by the Nankali-post System.

In 1999 it was requested for tha patent (УДК; 616.314-76-77:616.314.11-74:678.029.46:612.311)and became a part of research of the Orthopedic and Implant Stomatology Department of the National Medical University. This new modified post-core was under study till 2004 and then attested by the Dental Scientific Board of the Ukraine.

During four years observation (2000-2004 / National Medical University in Kiev), the number of reported complication from patient, whom were treated with the Nankali-post was none.

The bur and casted post-core for research was produced in the laboratory of the Orthopedic and Implant Stomatology Department of the National Medical University (O.O.Bogomolets) in Kiev.


  1. ^ Nankali A.(2006)Usage the New Post System with Insertion Ring, Soveremenaia Stomatologia Journal/ Kiev, Ukraine 2(34) 2006, p142-144
  2. ^ Juliev. E.N.(Жулев Е.Н.)(2000) Fixed prosthetics (Несъемные протезы) / НГМА - Nijnegorodskoi Gosudarstveni Medisinskoi Akademi /Н. Новгород - Novogorad, ISBN 5-7032-0330-9, p280-296
  3. ^ Abolmasov N.G., Abolmasov N.N., Bichkov B.A., Alkhakim A. (2003). Orthopedicheskaia Stomatalogia. Moscow / Medpress-inform, ISBN 5-901712-25-0, p187-201
  4. ^ Abolmasov N.G., Abolmasov N.N., Bichkov B.A., Alkhakim A. (2003). Orthopedicheskaia Stomatalogia. Moscow / Medpress-inform, ISBN 5-901712-25-0, p187-201
  5. ^ Nankali A.(2003) A new kind of pin post-system with ring insertion – use in clinical treatment, Ukrainski Stomatology Almanakh, Poltava, Ukraine, No.3, p33-36
  6. ^ Makhnitski M.B.(1999) The New Post System. Young Scientists and Students–Scientific Medical Seminar review in 1999. Ministry of Health of Ukraine and National Medical University / thesis, 20-23 Kvitnia, Kiev, Ukraine – 1999, p61


  • Makhnitski M.B.(1999) The New Post System. Young Scientists and Students–Scientific Medical Seminar review in 1999. Ministry of Health of Ukraine and National Medical University / thesis, 20-23 Kvitnia, Kiev, Ukraine – 1999, p61
  • Nankali A. (2002) Investigation of strength properties of the hard materials of the tooth roots. Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine / Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal, Quarterly Scientific Journal No. 33 -, p74-76
  • Nespriadco V.P.(2004) Naukovi SVIT / Official publication of Supreme Attestation Commission of the Ukraine, No. 3 Verezen, 2004 – p20,
  • Juliev. E.N.(Жулев Е.Н.)(2000) Fixed prosthetics (Несъемные протезы) / НГМА - Nijnegorodskoi Gosudarstveni Medisinskoi Akademi /Н. Новгород - Novogorad, ISBN 5-7032-0330-9, p280-296
  • Nankali A.(2003), A new type of pin post-system with ring insertion – construction, mechanical & mathematical properties, Sovremenaia Stomatologia Journal / Kiev, Ukraine, 1(21)2003, p114-117
  • Abolmasov N.G., Abolmasov N.N., Bichkov B.A., Alkhakim A. (2003). Orthopedicheskaia Stomatalogia. Moscow / Medpress-inform, ISBN 5-901712-25-0, p187-201
  • Nankali A.(2003) A new kind of pin post-system with ring insertion – use in clinical treatment, Ukrainski Stomatology Almanakh, Poltava, Ukraine, No.3, p33-36
  • Nankali A.(2006)Usage the New Post System with Insertion Ring, Soveremenaia Stomatologia Journal/ Kiev, Ukraine 2(34) 2006, p142-144
  • Nankali A.(2000), the peculiarity of chewing pressure distribution in post system. - Manuscription, Naukovi SVIT, DK-No-249 16.11.2000/ P16
  • Mitchell D.A, MITCHELL L. (2006-2007), Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry / Oxford University Press / 4Ed., ISBN 978-0-19-852920-0, p288, p336

[[Category:Restorative dentistry]]