Temple of Athena Nike

History of the Temple:On the new Acropolis Museum that opened in 2009. The three main monuments are the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, and the Temple of Athena Nike. The Temple of Athena Nike rests South of the Erchtheion.[1] The Temple of Athena Nike is often off limits due to the efforts of preservation.The new museum has exhibits including The Temple of Athena Nike.The exhibit consists of fragments of the site before the Persians were thought to have destroyed it in 480 BCE. Sculptures from Friezes have been salvaged such as: deeds of Hercules, Statue of Moscophoros,a damaged sculpture of a goddess acreditted to Praxiteles and the Rampin horseman.As well as epigraphic dedications, decrees, and stelae. One of the epigraphies that were found was from the sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia.Built in 427-425 BCE by Kallikrates.[2] The famous frieze of Athena adjusting her sandal is an example of Wet drapery. Wet drapery involves showing the form of the body but also concealing the body with the drapery of the clothing.Some friezes are from the Persian and Peloponnesian wars.The friezes contained a cavalry scene from the battle at marathon and a Greek victory over the Persians at the battle of Plataea. The battles represent Greek and Athenian dominance through military power and historical events.[3]

Temple of Athena Nike is on the right from the Propylaea
  1. ^ N, James (Dec 2009). "The Acropolis and its new museum". Antiquity. 83 (322): 1144-1151.
  2. ^ Duamato, Lamia (1980). The temple of Athena Nike. Monticello,Ill.:Vance Bibliographies.
  3. ^ Gorham, Stevens (1908). "The Cornice of the Temple of Athena Nike". American Journal of Archelology. 12 (4): 398–405.