Business Analytics


1.Documents, Movies, Images and Photographs etc are stored at a?

A)Application Sever B)Web Sever C)Print Server D)File Server

2.In which of the following form, data is stored in computer?

A)Decimal B)Binary C)HexaDecimal D)Octal

3.If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as?

A)Uniprocess B)Multiprocessor C)Multithreaded D)Multiprogramming

4.________ is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors

A) Tracking B) Formatting C) Crashing D) Allotting

5.The First Mechanical Computer Designed by Charles Babbage was called?

A) Super Computer B) Abacus C) Calculator D) Analytical Engine

6.A computer cannot "boot" if it does not have the _____

A) Compiler B)Loader C) Operating system D) Assembler

7.By default, your documents print in ________ mode

A) Landscape B) Portrait C) Page Setup D) Print View

8.Which among following first generation of computers had?

A)Vaccum Tubes and Magnetic Drum B)Integrated Circuits C)Magnetic Tape and Transistors D)All of above

9.Full form of URL is?

A) Uniform Resource Locator B) Uniform Resource Link C) Uniform Registered Link D) Unified Resource Link

10.Technology used to provide internet by transmitting data over wires of telephone network is?

A) Transmitter B) Diodes C) HHL D) DSL