Please inform me of my mistakes


If I make a mistake, or you see something I'm doing that you disagree with, I ask of you that you tell me about it; I won't be offended, I'll be extremely grateful. I believe that as we learn through mistakes, it's not only important to view/analyze your mistakes retrospectively, but to also get external reflection as well. This is why you'll see me constantly asking people of what they think I did wrong in a certain situation. How can we improve if we're only looking at it from a singular perspective?

Article creation list

  • copper ammonium chromate
  • barium ammonium chromate
  • copper chromate
  • diisopropylammonium bromide
A bit about ChaseAm
 This user is an organic chemist.
 This user is a researcher.
  This user is interested in philosophy.
 This user loves problem solving.
 This user drinks oolong tea.
 This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know.
  This user holds the philosophy of The Dao.