Vic Alexander was born in San Francisco at the French Hospital on May 7, 1943 after WW II had already started. His father Nimrod Alexander was in the CIA during WW II. The job of the CIA during WW II was the blowing up of bridges and all covert actions that are not published in newspapers or shown on television.

Vic Alexander grew up in San Francisco. He attended the Benjamin Franklin Adult High School there, later renamed the John Adams Adult High School. John H. Adams was the great-great grandson of John Adams the second US President. He was Vic Alexander's mentor, who made it possible for him to attend the City College of San Francisco. He graduated in 1962. Later Vic Alexander went to UC Berkeley for one semester in 1965. He contracted pneumonia and did not complete the second semester. He dropped out from the University of California in Berkeley and went to Oslo Norway on the advice of a Norwegian stewardess. There he met and married the future SAG-AFTRA actress Liv Alexander, who is the granddaughter of the Ziegfeld dancer and actress Louise Brooks, whose best film is Pandora's Box.

Vic Alexander went on to graduate from the San Francisco State University with a BA degree in film production in 1970. Some of his teachers were Robert Lewis, Jim Goldner, Bill Furman, Ron Pearlman, who was a staff writer on the Beverly Hillbillies, and Dr. John Fell was the head of the film school. He also taught film history. Lester Cole was the last film writing teacher. He wrote 'Born Free' (1966). He was one of two men that started Writers Guild East and West.

Vic Alexander traveled to Norway in 1971 and worked in Teamfilm, Oslo, Norway for a couple of years. He also made commercials for the Norwegian cinema circuit. He returned to California in 1975 and settled in Southern California.

In 1976 he shot a movie in the Louvre and the British Museum about the ancient artifacts of Mesopotamia. In 1984 he shot the movie Killzone with his Arri 2c and edited it on a rented Steenbeck. In 1985 he completed his movie Two Faces of Youth. In 1986 He produced Tiger Cage. In 1987 he produced and directed Hell's Outlaw. In 1988 he directed Burt Ward in Star Quest. Liv Alexander, Ermal Williamson and Scot Sachs starred in the movie as well. Star Quest was produced by Liv Alexander.

Vic Alexander taught film history courses and did some video programs at Cal State Stanislaus from 1998-2002. Then he returned to filmmaking in Burbank. He made 'Butterflies in the Wind' (2006) completing it in 2008 and 'The Red Queen' (2009).

Vic Alexander plans to revamp some of his earlier movies. He continues to develop movie projects and plans to shoot a number of significant feature films in the future.

Here is additional information about Nimrod Alexander the father of Victor N. Alexander

Nimrod Alexander was a pioneer of modern cinema. He began making movies in 1909. The first actress he worked with was Louise Brooks, which happens to be SAG-AFTRA actress Liv Alexander's grandmother. Nimrod Alexander was one of the people who started the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. His career as a film producer was mostly with financing movies, and he was also involved in the fashion industry, jewelry and perfumes from NYC, Hollywood to Paris. Nimrod Alexander knew all the early movie stars, such as Douglas Fairbanks Sr and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. He knew Mary Pickford.

Nimrod's father was John and his grandfather was Malik Kambar, a Jewish merchant from Istanbul, Turkey. He sent his grandson money and encouraged him to work with Jews in the garment district of NYC. Nimrod Alexander came to Southern California and encouraged the Jews of the garment industry in NYC to come to sunny California and make movies without artificial lights. The first film stages were nothing but four walls with an open ceiling where sunshine came through without incurring electric bills. Later, they placed silk screens to soften the light.

Some of the early pioneers of the silent cinema were Charlie Chaplin and Mack Sennet. Nimrod Alexander encouraged D. W. Griffith to come to Hollywood. One of the greatest film directors, he was to do a film about the sack of Babylon. It was the first five-reeler or a two hour feature film. All movies were shot on 35mm motion picture film.

As the discovery of oil in the Middle East during mid-19th Century (1834), WW I broke out and the US, Great Britain, and France went to Iraq, Iran, and Arabia to search for the oil fields of the Middle East.

Nimrod Alexander sold RKO Studios to Howard Hughes for $50,000,000. He knew Howard Hughes Sr also and the drilling bit and gear which was essential for reaching oil wells deep under the surface, the drill was self-cleaning. At 18, Howard Hughes Sr's father passed away and Howard Hughes took over his father's fortune.

Nimrod Alexander's was asked to prepare the nation for WW I, and as first CIA operative he wrote the manual on how the Central Intelligence Agency was to operate. The US industries, such as Keyser industries were transformed into factories for building tanks and armaments. WW I broke out in 1913 and would last until 1918; however, Nimrod Alexander held the US troops from landing in Europe to bring WW I to an end, until mid-1914.

The US lost 58,000 troops during WW I, and by 1919, the US economy was in shambles. The automobile industry led the way to the recover of jobs; but by 1929, the Stock Market would crash due to the losses of WW I. The American people struggled and succeeded into becoming the richest country in the world.

Nimrod Alexander concentrated now on movies and building major studios in Hollywood. In the early thirties, sound was introduced and movies became talkies. Many vaudeville showmen and singers became movie stars. Hollywood Studios proliferated and soon the major studios were putting out 10,000 movies per year all combined.

Nimrod Alexander combined his fashion shows with the early movies, as hundreds of beautifully dressed extras paraded past cameras, so it was hard to tell who were the movie stars and who were the fashion models.

In 1939, the world the European countries were struggling to keep up with the US, but could not manage to even come close to the lifestyle of Americans, what with the Atlantic Ocean separating the US from Europe and the rest of the world. Nimrod Alexander was pressed into service as the CIA General. As Nimrod Alexander had no Assyrian heir, he was extremely perturbed and decided on a course that would make him very unhappy for the rest of his life; he picked the family of Eliyah 'Enweeya' Isaac and Soriya Youkhana Malham living in Russia at the break of WW II, when Stalin had agreed to fight against Hitler, the Nazi's and the Fascists.

Nimrod Alexander married Margarita Elytch Isaacova and took her out of Russia and sent them to Iran where they came from. Margarita's father Eliyah was imprisoned because he had refused to register as a Russian citizen because he did not want to become a Communist.

The family was exiled, and Eliyah Issac would not be able to rejoin his wife and children for one full year. Nimrud Alexander, the youngest son of Dr. Alexander Pinkhis Malik Kambar of Gwar, Turkey proposed marriage to Margarita, and Soriya her mother gave her in marriage to Nimrud Alexander as she knew that the son of Dr. Alexander was Presbyterian and connected with the Americans, as Dr. Alexander was the proud graduate of the Castle College of Missinary doctors in Urmia, Iran.

When Margarita was about to have twins, she sent the news to Nimrod Alexander, while WW II was in progress. Nimrod Alexander came and took her together with Nimrud Alexander. Neither of the two men knew whose twins the children Margarita would bear.

Victor Nimrud Alexander was born in San Francisco on May 7, 1943 just past midnight, but Margarita knew that Victoria the sister of Victor was probably not viable, she gave her an overdose shot of morphine. Victor was delivered with his feet first, which was unusual and his mother noted that as such. As WW II was in progress, Victor was taken to Kirkuk, in Iraq, and left with Vartouhi the third wife of Dr. Alexander, who was Armenian from Yerevan. She had been rescued by Dr. Alexander because during the genocide of two million Armenians of Turkey, Dr. Alexander felt it his duty as an American missionary to do so.

Vic Alexander grew up in Iraq never suspecting that he was born in the United States. Although it sounds tragic, yet ultimately it was to his benefit to grow up as a member of a minority in Baghdad, Iraq, because he grew up never to depend on anyone but himself, and as his mother Margarita Alexander never told him that he was born in San Francisco, he became self-reliant and used all his faculties to excel at whatever he got involved with. Nimrud Alexander passed away in Baghdad, Iraq in 1948 when Vic Alexander was five years old. As a CIA man, Nimrod Alexander saved some important people from Germany and brought them to the US. He brought the German Lutheran rocket scientist Werner Von Braun to the US, and he was the scientist to put a man on the moon when President John Fitzgerald Kennedy wanted to do it. Nimrod Alexander also brought Marlene Dietrich out of Germany. He helped Hedy Lamarr get movie roles in Paramount Studios. She had escaped out of Nazi occupied Austria, where her father, uncle and husband perished in concentration camps, but she and her mother made it out. Gal Gadot portrayed her in a movie and was nominated for an Oscar. Gal Gadot was married to an Israeli businessman by whom she has two daughters, which is proof that Nimrod Alexander did not have an affair with Hedy Lamarr, because if he had and Gal Gadot was his daughter, she would have had twins with her first husband Versano.

Nimrod Alexander knew where his son Vic Alexander lived and did everything to make his life adventurous, which was a curiosity that boggles the mind.

Nimrod Alexander spent the years of prosperity loafing around with such friends as Errol Flynn and the major movie stars of the 1950s. He financed many movies and made a lot of money, but in order that no one should exploit his heir, he left his son Vic Alexander nothing that could be discovered by thieves.

However, there were thieves. The first and most dangerous of the thieves was Dr. John Cooley Gunnell. This man stole this name from an old Mormon family to hide his identity as a dangerous Nazi during WW II. He is buried now as John Merrick in the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Burbank, California. Among his crimes were the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on Nov. 11, 1963; but his biggest crimes were joining the Nazi Party on behalf of an unsuspecting US Government and the polio-stricken President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who didn't know this Dr. John Gunnell may have joined the Nazi Party at the start of WW II, as Adjutant General of the CIA and then approached Adolf Hitler and entering into a homosexual relationship with him. He had attended the Brigham Young University and had graduated with a BA in German. After Adolf Hitler sodomized Dr. John Gunnell, he allowed him into the concentration camps in Berlin and Auschwitz where there were Jewish women from Germany and Poland, and Dr. John Gunnell sodomized them and raped from behind and slit their throats and pushed them into ovens and cremated them -- he hated Jewish women so much. And then he pulled the gold teeth of wealthy Jewish men with pliers, 53 Kilos of them and later after WW II he intended to sell them. He had a practice as a hematologist for decades during the 1970s to the 2019 approximately when he finally died.