Who Am I?


I started my 1st professional career in the 1970s as a mechanical engineer in the energy business. Yeah, I was there for the North Sea oil drilling bonanza, Arab oil embargo, synthetic fuels, shale oil fuels, co-generation, you name it. As part of the Project Management team, I made trips to Canada, Mexico, the UK & TX. I mean, really, you just can't work in the oil business & NOT go to TX!

When engineering hit the skids in the early 1980s, I went back to university & got my BSCS. My 2nd professional career began in 1988, working for AT&T Bell Labs in NJ, NC, & OH. I used to so much about telecommunications - it was awesome. Until this US Federal Judge named Green decided AT&T was too big, & broke up Ma Bell. So my family & I moved back home to PA. Spent a number of years doing feature testing for some really heavy-duty engineering analytical & design software (Finite Element Analysis & Engineering reliability; just to name 2).

So that's the "Analytical" part of my Username. I can slice-&-dice better than a VegaMatic!

The "Historical" part of my Username refers to my life-long love of American History. I grew up south of Pittsburgh PA, in the area where the French & Indian War (N American theater of the Seven Years War) started. Yep - George Washington did indeed sleep here.

Everything shifted into high gear when I started studying my husband's family history. His Scots-Irish ancestors have been here in PA since about 1742. They have been involved in it ALL. Before that, they Scottish Borderers. WOW! what a history.

Which brings me to the "Hobbyist" part of my Username. I am now "retired". Now I have the time to start pulling together a Family History for my granddaughter. With a roomful of books & gigabytes of files on 2 laptops, it's time to start spreading the joy.



Drumroll please ...

My first Wikipedia project is a re-write of the "Yeoman" page. When I visited the page recently for research - well, let's just say I decided it was time to jump into the deep end of the pool.

Ta-Ta for now!! AnalyticalHistoricalHobbyist (talk) 21:36, 20 November 2020 (UTC)

Update on Yeoman: Down to the last 2 sections: Yeoman social stratum, & Yeoman farmer. Taking short breaks during my research article reading to add a History section to Yeoman of the Guard, & clean up the citations. That should bring the article up to GA level.

Tally ho!! AnalyticalHistoricalHobbyist (talk) 20:26, 12 January 2021 (UTC)

UPDATE 02: Somehow, I became distracted by the Yeomen of the US Navy; which in turn took me down the path to Chief Yeoman George H Ellis. Poor George! He was a hero of the Battle of Santiago de Cuba in 1898, but his article was only stub-class. But no longer! One more re-view is needed before I nominate Ellis for A-Class. I still check in with Yeoman every 2-3 days, doing general housekeeping (revisions as needed, etc). Ah-ha! that's what happened: I moved my US Navy Yeoman content over to make a history section. I did manage to add an outline of sorts to the Small Freeholders section, and rough drafts of the lead-in to the section. The rest of the article (except for Yeoman Farmer which is still basically empty) is solid as far the content goes. I've added comments to the 'Under Construction' banner that Yeoman is usable with the above caveats. Now back up the rabbit hole to the US Navy yeomen & finish the cleanup.

Tally ho!! AnalyticalHistoricalHobbyist (talk) 21:26, 15 January 2021 (UTC)

UPDATE 03: Back at Work!

Thanks to User:AustralianRupert‬ for the pat on the back!

Hi, y'all!! I'm back - working on streamlining Yeoman. Unfortunately, this means I have to update/rewrite some of the articles which I need to tag as Main. My plan for the new year:

article is heavily biased toward Child. For my stuff to fit, I have to update the article with linguistic & literary analysis done on Gest during the last 100 years. Then I can also move Ivanhoe to that article. See Gest talk page for details. If only my English Lit teacher could see me now!!
I have a draft; but it needs work.
haven't even scoped out this out yet; I treat locked articles with special care. I appreciate the work that went into them.
haven't even scoped out this out yet
haven't even scoped out this out yet

Yes, I know, they are small sections, but it seems easier to move the smaller ones; they are more or less self-contained. Besides, I have to remodel their new homes before they can move in. Ta-ta for now!! AnalyticalHistoricalHobbyist (talk) 16:25, 24 December 2021 (UTC)