
Gregers Andersen is a Danish cultural researcher and debate book author who is currently employed at Aalborg University. He is one of the first researchers in Denmark to be employed in the field of environmental humanities, and in his research has particularly dealt with the future expectations and imaginaries that arise from the world's climate and environmental problems. For instance, he is the author of the research monograph Climate Fiction and Cultural Analysis. A New Perspective on Life in the Anthropocene (Routledge, 2020), which regards the future worlds and conditions of existence that appear in climate fiction (also called cli-fi).

Alongside his research, Andersen is a very active public debater and public lecturer. He has published a vast amount of chronicles and debate articles about especially climate, culture and politics in Danish newspapers and online media, as well as authoring the debate books Frihed, lighed og bæredygtighed. En kritik af det liberale Danmark (Forlaget Findes, 2020) and Grænseløshedens kultur. Et opgør med udmattelse, hastighed og håbløshed i klimakrisens tidsalder (Informations forlag, 2016).

In 2018, Andersen, together with Jens Friis Lund and Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, took the initiative for the Researchers' Climate Appeal, which was signed by more than 300 Danish researchers and printed on the front page of the Danish newspaper Politiken. The Appeal received Hal Koch's democracy prize (2018) for creating renewed awareness of the role of the climate issue in Danish politics. In February 2021, Andersen was again also among the initiators of a new Appeal for climate action, which was again printed on the front page of Politiken and signed by more than 700 researchers.

Andersen holds a Ph.D. in art and cultural studies from the University of Copenhagen and has also held positions as a postdoc at the University of Copenhagen and Stockholm University before he was employed at the Department of Communication and Psychology at Aalborg University. Here, he mainly teaches climate and environmental communication as well as technology-optimistic and technology-critical communication.

