Thanks for checking out my Wikipedia user profile.

This is the new account that I will use in the future. I really appreciate the opportunities that Wikipedia offers everyone and believe that everyone should help improve this platform. If you are on this page without having an account, I would recommend that you create an account today.

I would also like to recommend that you make a small donation to Wikipedia if you had not already done so. Also, remember that it is possible to subscribe to Wikimedia Norway.

Those who know me know that I am interested in very many different topics and that I can sit for hours watching YouTube videos on various topics. One of the favorites is TEDTalks and I can get engrossed.

Most people only get their news from one or two sources. I don't know many who reads foreign media. And when I talk about foreign media I don't talk about the neighboring country. But on the other side of the globe. I like to read news from different countries, and recommend you do the same. It will broaden your horizons and give you a better perspective.

There was once a smart person who told me that there are always 3 versions of a story. That's my story. That's your story. And that's the true story.

The story that appears on Wikipedia should be the true story, when you read a newspaper you get the media's story. You don't necessarily get the true story, but the story that is easiest to tell and sell. For that truth is often more complex than it's possible to get down to a few lines. I understand that people like tabloid media but that's not always where you get the facts or the right information.

Since you are first here, then I reckon that you are one of the smart ones and that you are source-critical. Those who think they get the whole story from tabloid media should think again. Most topics deserve more than three lines or that the headline tells everything in an article.

Remember that just because something is on Wikipedia does not mean it is the truth. Even if there are sources or research reports then that is not enough to say that it is the truth. The most important thing you can do is to be source-critical, make up your own opinions and be critical, and if there is new information, then you are allowed to change your opinions.

Just remember: Don't listen to people around you without checking yourself.

Cheers, Andreas Hatlem