I’m a 19 year old student at Everett Community College and live in Marysville. I am a fan of Star Wars and I like the new movie, the Force Awakens. I enjoy playing tennis with my friends and played with my high school team for 3 years. One of my proudest accomplishments was building a nightstand from scratch in Woodshop (a class where you learn carpentry). My goal is to become a mechanical engineer because it fit with my characteristics, such as math skills and building things. Through my goal, it will challenge me to learn new strategies of learning and skills I can use in the future.

Article Review


I visited the Jetty Island page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: the age of citations, the completeness of the article, and the functionality of the links.

Age of Citations


For Jetty Island’s Wiki page, all citations were updated on June 15, 2016. Although, one of the sources was from November 20, 2011. These citations were recently added but there could be more current information available.

Completeness of the Article


Each subtopic has a link to a source to verify the place the information comes from. However, the Wiki page could have been more informative to complete it. Some additional information from the sources that could be expanded on the subtopics includes its history, the regulations of the island, and how many people come to Jetty Island each year. The article is adequate but there could be other information included on this Wiki page, such as a map to the Jetty Island’s location.


There are a few links provided throughout the article in the Jetty Island Wiki page. Out of these links, they are all still functioning. Two helpful links in the article were Everett, Washington and Snohomish River because they were useful to find what attractions there are, and the interesting history relating to Jetty Island.



On the whole, I would rate the Wiki page as “fine.” The creditability of the citations appeared to be recently updated and reliable. This article gives readers an incomplete description about the topic; however, there are supportive sources that show the reliability of each subtopic. I would like to add more information on the history and wildlife subtopics on Jetty Island Wiki page. The links provided a reader with information about certain items stated to get a better understanding of the article.