Andrew Beattie resides in Sarasota Florida. Married to Mistie D. Beattie Has two beautiful girls Lillian A. Beattie, & Madeline K. Beattie. Born 1978 in Philadelphia, High school Clearwater High 1996, Drafted by the Toranto Blue Jays 1996 in the 45th round. Attended Pasco Hernando CC 1997 Drafted by the Giants 1997 42nd round Attended Saint Pete JC 1998 Drafted by the Cincinnati Reds in the 35th round Professional baseball player 1998-2008, played for 6 organizations. Cincinnati Reds 1998-2004, Oakland A's 2005-06, Milwaukee Brewers 2006, Philadelphia Phillies 2007, New York Yankees 2007, Florida Marlins 2007-2008. Retired 2008 Owner operator Gap to Gap Baseball Academy 2008-present Owner operator Silverback Athlete LLC 2015-present. Silverback Athlete is a college marketing business to help high school players find college opportunities.