
Large systems of entangled atoms with a known entangled state have many uses in quantum metrology as well as in the field of quantum computing [1][2]. By measuring a single photon after it passes through a cloud of atoms, it is possible to prepare the majority of those atoms in an entangled non-Gaussian "cat state". These states are a hallmark of non-classicality [3], as they represent entanglement between a large number of particles in a given system. This non-classicality can be detected by analysis of the Wigner function, an example of a quasiprobability distribution. Such distributions permit negative valued probabilities, a phenomena heavily associated with quantum mechanics that does not appear in classical mechanics. This makes the Wigner function a well-suited detector of non-classical behavior. By measuring the polarization of a so-called "heralding photon" (it heralds the creation of the desired state, also called the heralded state) after its interaction with a cloud of atoms one can generate an entangled state of nearly 3,000 atoms with a minimum value of the Wigner function of approximately [4].

Overview of Experiment

Fig. 1: Schematic of the experimental setup. Photons enter from the left with vertical polarization (out of the page) and interact with the atomic cloud in a cavity. They then are separated by the polarized beam splitter and measured by the photon detectors.

In 2015 Ph.D. Vladan Vuletic's research group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) published a paper entitled "Entanglement with negative Wigner function of almost 3,000 atoms heralded by one photon" [4]. The experiment uses an optical cavity with ~3,000 Rubidium atoms to enhance the entanglement between the polarization of incoming photons and the spin state of the atomic ensemble. The   and   hyperfine manifold of the   energy level of Rubidium is used as the spin up and spin down state respectively. Incoming photons are prepared in a vertical polarization state  , and after interacting with the atoms they encounter a polarizing beam splitter, which separates out vertically polarized photons from horizontally polarized photons  . The atoms are prepared in a Spin Coherent State (SCS) along the   axis, which is an eigenstate of the collective spin operator  . This state has a small projection noise along the   axis, producing a slight Faraday rotation on the polarization of the incoming photons. Upon measuring the polarization of the outgoing photons one will measure   (called the heralding photon) with small probability, but upon such a measurement the atomic state is thrown into a highly entangled cat state through measurement back action. This method of entangling atomic spins has an entanglement depth of ~90%, meaning it entangles roughly 90% of the atoms present (no less than   entangled atoms out of ~  total atoms).

After the state is prepared the researchers attempted to reconstruct the density matrix by sending a second, stronger probe pulse of light. This light undergoes a much stronger Faraday rotation and thus serves as a measurement of the   component of the atomic ensemble. From this data, one is able to construct the critical elements of the density matrix that contribute to the heralded state.

Experimental Setup

Fig. 2: Diagram of transitions between the   manifolds of Rb to the   energy level.

The Rb atoms are initially quantized along the   axis (fig. 1), which is followed by a   radio wave pulse which orients the atomic spins along the   axis (perpendicular to the direction of propagation). The   photons can be written as a superposition of their positive and negative helicity components , , which drive transitions between   to   and   to   respectively. For sufficiently large detuning   relative to the   energy level, we can adiabatically eliminate the   transition, leaving us with long-lived coupling between the   and   hyperfine manifolds.

The photons exiting the cavity encounter a polarized beam splitter that reflects vertically polarized photons, and transmits horizontally polarized photons. The light then encounters a single-photon detector, allowing one to make a measurement of the outgoing polarization.

The cavity serves to increase the coupling strength between atoms and the light, by allowing the light to reflect off of the cavity mirrors multiple times before being sent to the detectors. This helps to increase the probability of measuring a heralding photon, without changing the projection of the SCS along the direction of propagation [4].

Mathematical Description


Hamiltonian and Initial State


The SCS after the initial   pulse can be represented as a product state of   eigenstates (where   is the Pauli Matrix along the   axis). This can equivalently be represented in the   Dicke basis as


where   are the Dicke state, which are eigenstates of the collective spin operator   and [2]


This coefficient is similar to the binomial coefficient, and does the job of containing information about how many states (in the Pauli z basis) have collective spin  , as well as normalizing the state. The joint state of the atoms and the light can therefore be written as


The Hamiltonian corresponding to the Faraday rotation is [4]


where   is the Stokes vector along the   axis (on the Poincaré sphere),   and   are the annihilation and creation operators in mode   (in this case it is the positive and negative helicity modes),   is the detuning from the   energy level, and   is the single photon Rabi frequency.

Evolution and Post-Measurement State


The incoming photons are on resonance with the cavity, and therefore the average time spent in the cavity is   before being measured, where   is the cavity linewidth. The total state after evolution by   is given by


In the equation above it becomes clear that the time evolution results in a superposition of rotations by equal and opposite angles of the SCS on the Bloch sphere. One can alternatively write the time evolution such that it highlights the effect on the light


where now it becomes clear that the rotation on the Bloch sphere will depend on the value of   that is measured [4]. The rotation of the atomic ensemble on the Bloch sphere about the   axis is by an angle   where   and   is the cavity cooperativity parameter, while the rotation of the polarization of the light is by   about the   axis [4].

Upon measuring a single photon in the   state the post-measurement state of the ensemble is thrown into


where   and   are each identical to the original SCS, but have been rotated by   and   respectively.

By contrast a photon measured in the   state will leave the atomic state as


which is very nearly the initial SCS state, albeit very slightly spin-squeezed [2]. The approximation that   is valid because the Faraday rotation is only due fluctuation noise in the projection of the SCS onto the direction of light propagation. In this limit the event of measuring a photon in the vertical polarization does not significantly change the SCS, and therefore multiple photons can be sent through until a heralding photon gets detected.

The probability of measuring a horizontally polarized photon is given by   where   is the angle of rotation on the light relative to the   axis. Further, measurements corresponding to   will be suppressed, since they produce a very small Faraday rotation. We will observe measurements of   biased towards the standard deviation of   since they produce a larger rotation. Therefore on average  . However, because   any measurement of the polarization angle gives only information about  , and not   [4].

Quantum Tomography


After one or more heralding photons are measured the atomic ensemble is rotated about the   axis by an angle  . A pulse of light with vertical polarization (much stronger than the pulse used to create the heralding event, containing approximately   photons instead of one) is sent through the ensemble, after which the polarization along   is again measured. This stronger pulse undergoes a larger Faraday rotation than the single photon, and is used to probe the total spin along   of the atomic ensemble. Depending on the angle  , this measurement contains information about the collective spin in the  ,  ,  , or   direction. Measurements of the horizontal component of the outgoing light are used to construct probability distributions   for   horizontally measured photons [4].

Method of Density Matrix Reconstruction


In order to obtain the state   from   a relationship is needed between   and the spin distribution   along a particular direction determined by the rotation angle  . The probability to measure a particular number of photons   in   given a collective spin   is a Poisson distribution, and is given by


where   is the number of photons in the pulse and   is the over all efficiency of the measurement. One can then construct the function   by summing over   weighted by the function  


The probability distribution   can also be obtained from the density matrix


The density matrix can therefore be approximated by minimizing the least squares deviation   between the measured  , and the distribution that would theoretically result from a density matrix  


where   is the error in the measurement of   [4].



The method for reconstructing the density matrix outlined above involves finding how much the density matrix elements (in the   Dicke basis  ) lie along an eigenvector of collective spin  . This overlap is


where   are the   order Hermite polynomials. This results in   having a component that is a polynomial of order   in  . The distribution   can therefore be written as


This expression of   highlights the fact that measurements of   only tell us about how the even terms of   ( when   mod  ) contribute to  , since   will contain an even polynomial in   if   is even. Measurements of   are therefore needed to tell us about odd terms. However, the probability to measure a horizontally polarized photon is proportional to  , and therefore measuring   only contains information about the even terms of   in the Dicke basis.

In order to find the odd terms of   the incoming photons are instead initially polarized at   from the   axis, and detectors are arranged after the beam splitter to measure both   and  . The difference of these two measurements is proportional to   since


The SCS is initially centered about the   axis, and so   before the photons pass through the cavity. The result of performing the   measurement on the state is that it keeps   the same (the center of the state does not change). Since the odd terms of the density matrix correspond to the   terms, and the heralded state is not displaced by any significant amount compared to the initial SCS, the researches conclude that these odd matrix elements must be commensurate with 0 [4].

Negative-Valued Wigner Function

Fig. 3: Plot of the Wigner function for 2 heralding photons detected, and a cavity containing 6 atoms.
Fig. 4: Contour plot of the Wigner function for a single heralding photon detected for a system of 3 atoms.

The Wigner function is an example of a quasiprobability distribution, and is analogous to a probability distribution over phase space in classical mechanics. Notably, quasiprobability distributions permit negative values as outputs, and therefore are not meant to be taken explicitly as probability distributions. The negativity of a quasiprobability distribution in quantum mechanics is the result of interference of quantum states, and is thus seen as a measure of non-classicality. It was used in this research as a measure of the achieved non-classicality of the state.

The Wigner function for an angular-momentum state is with   spins, and normalization constant  , is given by


where   is the density matrix of the state in the spherical harmonic basis and   are the spherical harmonics [4]. The state   is related to the density matrix in the Dicke state basis along  ,  , by


where   are the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients [5].

The measurement of a heralding photon generates a Wigner function with global minimum  , encompassing roughly   of the atoms in the ensemble. Previous attempts to generate entangled states with comparably negative Wigner functions had contained only a few atoms [4].

In the limit that the number of atoms   is large, the Wigner function in the center of the SCS (where   and  ) is well approximated by considering only the population terms of the density matrix in the   Dicke basis


where   runs over the   Dicke states labeled by  ,  , etc.[4] This point is of particular interest since it is where the Wigner function is expected to be most negative (since the center of the heralded state is the same as the SCS). Higher orders of   beyond   contribute very little, and thus a good approximation of the Wigner function can be obtain by considering only   and   [4]. These values are found through tomography to be   and  , resulting in a Wigner function with minimum value   [4].


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