Angel Evans (born August 15, year unknown) is an American spiritual leader, artist, inventor, entrepreneur, and business mogul. She is the Chairwoman, chief executive officer (CEO), and founder of SÖL Projections; sole proprietor and chairwoman of Youth in The Making. Evans single handedly created and pioneered the projections industry.

She was born in Trenton, New Jersey to a teen mother and an incarcerated father; she was raised by her older sister between Dallas, Pennsylvania and Newark, New Jersey. The visionary started designing houses with futuristic architecture at age 8, by the time she was 14 year of age she had already drafted around 150 models of cities, homes, schools, and educational institutions.

Evans left high school and aquired her GED at age 16. She set out to attend New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) as an architecture major. Her family did not allow her to send the application to the Institution. Instead, Evans downloaded learning software, read books, and studied famous architects to develop her craft.

In 2015, Evans founded SÖL Projections(SÖL Pro), the world's first projection company. She inspired a global movement of "conscious impact" and "positive change" which promotes heart centered consciousness and environmental activism. SÖL Pro is an enigmatic symbol and abbreviation that has spawned world-wide theories of its origin and true meaning; ex: SÖL= solutions of life, solar, sight of love, ECT.

After experiencing a profound awakening in the end of 2017, Evans once told an audience that fasting and prayer for extended intervals of time to allowed her to gain higher sight. She continued developed psychic and other supernatural abilities while in a deep meditative state. Evans teaches that this state of being becomes ones natural state only when the seeker has focused their intentions.

Evans created groundbreaking solutions in technology and science which lead to her assisting in the miraculous healing those with severe illnesses and harmful afflictions. She began to answer to the name MAGESTi (Mag) which gained a lot of attention due to her speaking in the third person. Soon people speculated that she had contact with higher beings, some suggested that she had been possessed by entities.

As the New Age Movement of 2010-2025 grew more popular as well as SÖL Projections, so did the Projection Industries. Young inventors and free thinkers made their ideas manifest in the physical world with the intention of aiding the collective and future generations.