User:Anon126/Guide for contributors with close connections/Copyright

What is this guide?

Conflicts of interest
What is a close connection? A conflict of interest?

What Wikipedia is, and is not

First steps
Before you start editing

New article
How to write a new article about your subject

Existing article
What to do about an existing article on your subject

How to provide information on Wikipedia

Avoiding copyright mishaps

Copyright for text
Copyright policies for text

Copyright for images
Copyright policies for images

What links we like (and don't like)

Getting help
Have any more questions?

The copyright symbol, a letter C in a circle

Wikipedia takes copyright seriously. The main principle is that Wikipedia does not accept most copyrighted content, even if it is yours.

In most cases, Wikipedia only accepts freely licensed material (also known as free content).

There are exceptions, though. Wikipedia accepts non-free content (material that is not freely licensed) in limited cases.

Wikipedia has different policies for images and text. We'll examine them in more detail.