User:Antidiskriminator/Drafts of articles/List of sources about claims that Vojsava Kastrioti was Slav

List of sources about claims that Vojsava Kastrioti was Slav is list of sources which contain information about claims that ethnicity of Skanderbeg's mother, Vojsava Kastrioti was Slav, either Serb or Bulgarian. Some of them are written by historians and published at the end of the 20th and beginning of 21st century.

Vojsava Kastrioti (Latin: Voisavae, also Vojsava) was 14th and 15th-century noble woman known for being a wife of Gjon Kastrioti who ruled over region of Mat in Albania, and mother of George Kastrioti Skanderbeg.

Works of historians


Published in 21st century

  • Jazexhi, Olsi (2002). "Another approach towards certain "exported" myths on Albanian historiography between occident and islam" (PDF). Pisa: Edistudio di Brunetto Casini. p. 98. Scanderbeg ... No matter what the historical facts might have been twisted, he is and will never be accepted from Albanian Muslims as the greatest defender of Christianity against Islâm or as a symbol of Albanian-Serbian brotherhood (since his mother was a Serb woman)..
  • Petrovski, Boban (2006), Воисава Трибалда (Voisava Tribalda) (PDF) (in Macedonian), Skopje, p. 9, Dokolku ja prifatime ovaa varijanta, spored koja Brankovićite bile gospodari na/vo Polog do početokot na poslednata decenija od XIV vek, vo toj slučaj proizleguva deka Voisava bila ćerka na Grgur ili pak, možebi na Vuk Branković {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Veiga, Francisco (2006), El turco : diez siglos a las puertas de Europa (in Spanish), Madrid: Debate, p. 589, ISBN 9788483066706, OCLC 76857464, ...con su esposa Voisava, también serbia...
  • Schmitt, Oliver Jens (2008), Kosovo: kurze Geschichte einer zentralbalkanischen Landschaft (in German), Wien: Bohlau Verlag, p. 62, ISBN 978-3-8252-3156-9, Ein Teil Seiner familie floh zu Skanderbeg, der selbst mit den Brankovići verwandt war. Einen ethnischen Gegensatz zwischen Serben und Albanern kann man in der Elite Mittelalter nicht festsellen - die engen Verbindungen des serbischen und albanischen orthodoxen Adels allein schon standen dem ent gegen: Skanderbegs Mutter war wohl eine Brankovic, und sein Sohn Ivan heiratete eine Brankovic (Irene). {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Kraft, Ekkehard (March 18, 2009), Wer war Skanderbeg?, Zurich: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Skanderbegs Mutter war Slawin. [Skanderbeg's mother was Slav] {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Spremić, Momčilo (2009), "O. J. Schmitt, Skanderbeg. Der neue Alexander auf dem Balkan, Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 2009", in Tibor Živković (ed.), O. J. Schmitt, Skanderbeg. Der neue Alexander auf dem Balkan, Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 2009, стр. 432. - Review (in Serbian), vol. 58, Belgrade: Historical Institute, p. 318, OCLC 11023546, Жена Ивана Кастриота и мајка Скендербега била je „Воисава Трибалда... из добре фамилије". Како наводи аутор, била je Српкиња, по свој прилици кћи Гргура Бранковића, сина великог севастократора Бранка, који je господарио у Oхриду...Најкраће речено, то jeдо саданајбоље написана историја Скендербега.... A wife of Ivan Kastriot and mother of Skanderbeg was "Voisava Tribalda... from the noble family". As author claim, she was Serbian, probably daughter of Grgur Branković, son of great sevastokrator Braanko, who controled Ohrid... Briefly, this is the best written biography of Skanderbeg until now.

Published before 21st century

  • Hopf, Karl (1873), "Despotes et dynastes d'Epire et de Thessalie", Chroniques gréco-romanes inédites ou peu connues, Berlin: Weidmann, p. 533, Voisava Tripalda fille de seigneur (Serbe) de Polog {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Oncken, Wilhelm (1883), Allgemeine geschichte in einzeldarstellungen (in German), G. Grote, p. 560, vermählt mit Voisava, Tochter des serbischen Herrn von Polog, {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Hertzberg, Gustav Friedrich (1883), Geschichte der Byzantiner und des Osmanischen Reiches, G. Grote, pp. 560–561, nämlich der sogenannte Skanderbeg oder vielmehr Georg Kastriota, persönlich ein Mann halb- slawischen Blutes. ... der Grasschast Mal bestätigt, vermählt mit Voisava, Tochter des serbischen Herrn von Polog, stärkte zu Ansang des {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Degrand, Alexandre (1901), Souvenirs de la Haute-Albanie (in French), Paris: Welter, p. 320, OCLC 247360933, Voisava Tripalda, fille d'un seigneur Serbe de Pologne
  • Zlatarski, Vasil (2005) [1901/1902], България през XIV и XV век: Лекционен курс (in Bulgarian), Sofia: Изток-Запад, p. 277, ISBN 9789543211722, OCLC 62578897, Иван Кастриот, храбър противник на турците, женен за Воислава, дъщерята на сръбския
  • Vučičević, Milenko M. (1904), Istorija srpskoga naroda za srednje škole (in Serbian), vol. 1, Dositej Obradović, p. 286, OCLC 25320399, retrieved July 7, 2011, Иванова жена, а мајка Скендербегова Воисава, била је кћи српскога господара од Полога. (Ivan's wife, and mother of Skanderbeg, Voisava, was daughter of Serbian lord of Polog. {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Bryce, James (1907), Hans Ferdinand Helmolt (ed.), The World's History: South-eastern and eastern Europe, vol. 5, William Heinemann, p. 225, Voisava, the Servian princess {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Bryce, James (1915), The book of history : A history of all nations from the earliest times to the present. With over 8000 illustr. With an introd. by Viscount Bryce. Contrib. authors: W. M. Flinders Petrie, vol. 8, New York, London: Grolier Soc., Educational Book Co., p. 3067, OCLC 162862504, the son of Yban or John Kastriota, the dynast of Mat, and of Voisava. the Servian princess of Polog {{citation}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Kretschmayr, Heinrich (1934), Geschichte von Venedig (in German), vol. 2, Gotha: F.A. Perthes, p. 375, OCLC 2782633, retrieved 19 January 2012, Georg, angeblich der Sohn einer serbischen Mutter
  • Gegaj, Athanase (1937), L'Albanie et l'Invasion turque au XVe siècle, Universite de Louvain, ISBN 9780598935991, OCLC 652265147, Le nom Voisava est certes d'origine slave, mais on ne peut en conclure, comme le fait JORGA, Brève histoire, ...Jireček, Geschichle der Bulgaren, t. II, p. 368, affirme aussi l'origine slave des Castriota tout en rejetant pour ce qui concerne Branilo (page 36)
  • Sofiĭski universitet. Bogoslovski fakultet, Sofiĭski universitet. (1938), Godishnik. Annuaire (in Bulgarian), Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, OCLC 145336547, Груичъ, че Воисава била сръб- киня, а не поне само славянка (ако не българка), както проф. Селишевъ казва (п. съч , стр. 85 : Иван Кастриот женился на Воисаве, дочери положеното боярина-славянина). {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Potter, G. R. (1938),, The English historical review, vol. 53, Longman, pp. 129–131, JSTOR 554790, Coming to Skanderbeg's origin, he rejects Hopf's and Jireček's view that it was Slav, contending that it was purely Albanian, and that the family name, Castriota, was assumed from the place Kastri, whereas the original surname was Mazreku, taken from a village so called. But Skanderbeg's mother had Slav name, and the epithet "Tripalda" given to her is a corruption of the tribal name Triballi, which the pedantic Byzantine historians applied to the Serbs. Moreover, if he had no connection to Serbia, why should he have given two villages to Chilindar, which the author wrongly asserts (p 43, n 1) to be a convent in Albania, but which the document he cites expressly states to have been the famous Serbian monastery on Mount Athos, immemorially connected with Serbian kings, medieval and modern? {{citation}}: |chapter-url= missing title (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • (Society of Historians of Montenegro), Društvo istoričara SR Crne Gore (1949), Istorijski zapisi (in Serbian), vol. 2, Yugoslavia: Istorijski institut u Titogradu, p. 82, Ђурађ Кастриотић Скендербег...: био је он син арбанашког властелина Ивана Кастриота и једне Српкиње из Полога, ...(George Kastriot Skanderbeg...:he was a son of albanian lord Ivan and one Serb woman from Polog... {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help); More than one of |author= and |last= specified (help)
  • Rozov, Nikolai (1957), Повесть о Скандербеге (in Russian), Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, p. 167, OCLC 493484548, Все исторические источники подтверждают славянское происхождение матери Скандербега. (All historical sources confirm the Slavic origin of Skanderbeg mother.) {{citation}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Frashëri, Kristo (1962), George Kastrioti-Scanderbeg: the national hero of the Albanians (1405–1468), s.n., OCLC 1339175, Ndërkohë, Gjon Kastrioti kishte krijuar një familje me një karvan fëmijë. Burimet tregimtare pajtohen kur thonë se ai ishte martuar me Vojsava Tribaldën, e bija e sundimtarit të Pollogut (trevë midis Gostivarit dhe Tetovës)... Sidoqoftë pë shkak të emrit, disa historianë e konsiderojnë Vojsavën sllave nga familja. Por të tjerë, duke u nisur nga lehtësia me të cilen shqiptarët kanë përdorur emra të huaj, (Karl Thopia dhe Gjergj Arianiti kishin vajza me emrin Vojsava), nuk e gjykojnë kombësinë e tyre as nga emri, as nga mbiemri, ndonëse në këtë rast, mbiemri Tribalda nuk është me origjinë sllave, por ilire. Ndër shkrimtarët e hershëm, Gjon Muzaka e thotë shkoqur se Tribaldët qenë shqiptarë -
  • Dimitrov, Strašimir (1970), Georgi Kastrioti Skenderbeg, 1468 - 1968 (in Bulgarian), Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, OCLC 67273999, Знае се, че майка му Воисава била славяно-българка по произход, „дъщеря на сеньора на Полог, който е част от Македония и България", както се казва в една анонимна венецианска хроника... (It is known that his mother, Voisava, was of Slavic-Bulgarian origin, "daughter of the lord of Polog, which is part of Macedonia and Bulgaria", says one anonymous Venetian chronicle...
  • Vukanović, Tatomir (1971), (in Serbian), Vranje, retrieved April 8, 2011, ...Voisavom, kćerkom jednog sprskog vlastelina iz Donjeg pologa u Makedoniji (područje grada Tetova)... Voisava, fille d'un seigneur féodal serbe de la région de Donji Polog en Macédoine. {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help); Missing or empty |title= (help)CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Slijepčević, Đoko M. (1983) [1974], Srpsko-arbanaški odnosi kroz vekove sa posebnim osvrtom na novije vreme (in Serbian), Himelstir, p. 46, OCLC 3307146, retrieved 7 July 2011, Скендербег био по мајци српског порекла.... Ослањајући се на Мусакијеву Хронику писао је Јохан Георг Хан, да Скендербег не води никакво праарбанашко порекло, него српско: «Близу је претпоставка, да Скендербег потиче из једне српске племићске породице, која је била за време српске владавине награђена по-
  • Zhelyazkova, Antonina (2000). "Albania and Albanian Identities". International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations. Archived from the original (html) on January 10, 2011. Retrieved January 10, 2011. It is a curious circumstance that Skanderbeg's mother was a Slav woman, according to some sources a Bulgarian named Voisava, a fact recorded in an anonymous Venetian chronicle: "Huic uxor fuit Voisava, Pologi Domini filia, est autem Pologum oppidum in Macedoniae et Bulgarie confinibus"

Works of authors who are not historians


Published in 21st century

  • Buckley, William Joseph (2000), Kosovo: contending voices on Balkan interventions, William B. Eerdmans Pub, p. 101, ISBN 9780802838896, Despite centuries of repetiton, both those myths increasingly "forget" two historical truths: that the mother of Skanderbeg (Vojsava) was a Slav;... {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Lubonja, Fatos (October 24, 2001). "Re-Inventing Skenderbeg". Eurozine. Retrieved April 6, 2011. the mother of Skenderbeg (Vojsava) was a Slav
  • Patrick Hondus, 2007, Can Serbs and Albanians live together?: "On the other hand, Skenderbeg, the legendary Albanian hero, is seemingly of an ethnically mixed background, with his mother reportedly being a Serb."
  • Schmunk, Michael (July 19, 2010), Der Held der Skipetaren (in German), Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten, archived from the original on April 7, 2011, retrieved April 7, 2011, Oder, Schmitt folgend, wie die Eltern-Vornamen Ivan und Voisava nahelegen, serbisch-orthodox, was sich nun ganz und gar nicht mit dem Selbstverständnis der Skanderbeg-Verehrer in Tirana, Prishtina oder Tetovo verträgt? {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Elsie, Robert (2012), A biographical dictionary of Albanian history, London: I.B. Tauris, p. 76, ISBN 9781780764313, OCLC 801605743, He married a Slavic woman called Voisava Tribalda ofthe Polog region who was related to the noble Serbian Brankovići family. {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • Černý, Adolf (2007). Slovanský přehled (in Chech). Knihtiskárna F. Šimáček. p. 48. manželku pojal Vojsavu, dceru srbského velmože, s kterou měl syny Reposina, Stanišu, Konstantina{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)

Published before 21st century


Tertiary sources, literature, newspapers and miscellaneous


Tertiary sources



  • Petrović Njegoš, Petar (1851) [1851], link The Psudo-Tsar Stephen the Small (in Serbian), Trieste, archived from the original on February 17, 2011, retrieved April 8, 2011, та витеза Скендербега Ђура (... - на ујаке Ђуро налицаше, на Балшиће, на српске кнежеве), (knight Skanderbeg Đuro, who resembles his uncles, Balšići, serbian princes {{citation}}: Check |archiveurl= value (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Stojan, Subotin (1889) [1889], Romani Teodora Tomaša Ježa (Zigmunta Milkovskog) o Jugoslovenima (in Polish), retrieved April 8, 2011, Zygmunt Miłkowski, Rycerz chrześcijański... za Skenderbegovu majku Vojislavu kaže da je bila Srpkinja... he says that Skanderbeg's mother was Serb {{citation}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |lay-date= (help)
  • De Rada, Girolamo (1903), Poemi albanesi, Trani: V. Vecchi, p. 176, Il capo-stipite della famiglia paro che fosse Branilo (13G8), dal cui figlio Paolo sarebbe nato Giovanni Kastriota. signore di Mattila o Trimonostia (Alta Albania), sposatosi a Voisava Tri- palda, figlia di un signore serbo.

Journals and newspapers


