Accuracy9+ / 12
Damage7 / 12
Range5 / 12
Fire rate11 / 12
Mobility12 / 12
Clip Size/Reserve ammo50/100
Recoillow cluster
Reload Time3.0/3.7
Good Perks/AttachmentsStopping Power, Steady Aim, Red Dot Sight, ACOG Scope, Silencer
Unlocked at40



This Belgian bullpup SMG should be familiar to fans of Ghost in the Shell, Stargate SG-1, and Battlefield 2. Once you unlock it, it just might become your favorite weapon. Sometimes I suspect that fully half the people on any given server I join are using this gun. It combines a high rate of fire, some of the lowest recoil of any SMG, great accuracy, decent damage, and a huge clip to be unmatchably lethal in the hands of almost any player. This gun does everything better than the M4 does except for a very slight increase in recoil and a moderate drop in effective range. Every time I use it it just feels easier to rack up kills than with whatever gun I was using before. That said, I tend to avoid it because it feels like an easy button for the game. So use it for whatever role you play in a match, but be mindful that only using this gun (which you may be tempted to do) makes you miss out on other fun weapons.