Aquarian Spirituality

1. Introduction

Aquarian Spirituality is a Modern Spirituality Movement ( also known as an Emerging Spirituality Movement ), founded in 2018 by Brother M.C. Zaniah. Brother M.C.Zaniah is a published author, a Respiratory Therapy Practitioner, and is based in Australia. Aquarian Spirituality presents itself as a new life-path for the coming Age of Aquarius. It's founder claims, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius commenced in 2020 ( justifying this year based on several astronomical events that occurred during 2020 ). The teachings of Brother M.C. Zaniah are found on the official Aquarian Spirituality website ( ) and in book form ; ' Aquarian Spirituality - A new spirituality for the Age of Aquarius ' ( Published by Amazon Kindle Direct )[1].

2. Central Theme

Brother M.C. Zaniah suggests that each new Great Age ( a period of approximately 2000 years ) is a time of significant spiritual reinvention and renewal. The great theme of the coming Age of Aquarius, according to Aquarian Spirituality, is centred on beauty ; the need to protect the beauty of the world, which nourishes our spirituality[2].

3. Personalities

The current Age of Pisces was ' anointed ' ( marked ) by the Nazarene Messiah ; Yeshua ben Yosef ( commonly called Christ Jesus ). His teachings on love informed the spirituality of the Piscine Age. The previous Age of Aries was anointed by the mysterious Melchizedek of Salem, who dispensed his wisdom for the Age, to Brother Abraham ; the great Patriarch of the Israelites. The theme of that Age centred around freedom ( including spiritual freedom and freedom from religiosity ). An earlier Great Age - the Age of Taurus - was marked by ( Mother ) Eve, who lead her beloved Adam away from Eden. Eden symbolised a place of great love, freedom and beauty, that was lost when a local Snake Worship Cult replaced natural spirituality with fear and superstition[3].

4. Eschatology

Aquarian Spirituality builds on the wisdom of the previous Great Ages, and sees itself as the inheritor of the true teachings of the Nazarene Messiah, Melchizedek and Mother Eve. Aquarian Spirituality looks forward to a new Messianic hero, who will ritually open the new Age of Aquarius, and share new spiritual wisdom during the coming Great Age. Unlike many Christian and Islamic sects, which look forward to a literal ' end of days ', Aquarian Spirituality is not a doomsday cult, but rather, believes the Aquarian Age messiah shall be a Prince of Peace ( as described in Isaiah 9:5 ) whose teachings may be concerned with protecting the beauty of the world, in order to save the world. Brother M.C. Zaniah believes this environmentally-themed message of hope, points to pollution and over-population as being the destroyers of the beauty of the world, and thus threatens our very existence. The identity of the Aquarian Age messenger is not yet known, however, some titles as as ' the Arch Angel Michael ' may be used to describe him or her[4].

5. First Prophet

The idea of a coming Messenger is inspired by the teachings of Joachim of Fiore - a thirteenth century theologian who described three stages in our spiritual development, commencing with the Age of the Father. Aquarian Spirituality suggests the Age of the Father can be correlated with the Age of Aries - an ' Age of Monotheism ' ; when Melchizedek taught Abraham about a single divinity who does not demand living sacrifices or cultic practices. Joachim proposed, that the second Age, should be called the Age of the Son. Aquarian Spirituality aligns this Age with the Age of Pisces ( the Son being Yeshua - the Nazarene ). Finally, Joachim taught, that a coming Age - the Age of the Holy Spirit - would see the breakup of the Catholic monopoly over spiritual matters. This Age, Aquarian Spirituality equates with the coming Aquarian Age. Joachim teaches that the Roman Church will be replaced by a Council of the Just, who will pen a new gospel for the times. The book shall be called The Book of the Just. This book is at present, unsighted. Whilst the Catholic Church officially distanced itself the teachings of Joachim ( especially in regards to his three ' Ages of Spirituality ' teachings ), Aquarian Spirituality honours Joachim of Fiore as it's movement's first Prophet[5].

6. Symbology

According to Brother M.C. Zaniah, the new Aquarian Age demands a seismic shift in our understanding of spirituality. He states " We are no longer superstitious and primitive beings. We don't go looking for ' spooky ' spirits. But we do desire ( and benefit from ) a spiritual ( a deeper ) connection with other people, which only occurs, when our connectivity is based on love. We know a good spirituality can nurture love. We know this has nothing to do with ' heavenly ' spirits. In the new Age of Aquarius, spirituality is not about superstitions from above, but about cultivating love from within. In the Age of Aquarius, the Holy or Sacred Spirit is not a mythical ' third person ' of a divine trinity, but the very symbol of a healing love that can exist between us : a ' third force ' ( invisible but ' real ' ) that's created when people act with love towards each other ". Aquarian Spirituality therefore understands the term ' Holy Spirit ' as being a symbol of love, rather than a metaphysical being[6].

7. Theology

Aquarian Spirituality maintains an agnostic stance, neither denying nor affirming the existence of a divine creator. Instead, much like in Buddhism, the focus is on relationships and a healthy self love. The movement proposes daily meditations designed to address the ego and nourish a loving disposition, which in turn, provides healing for the practitioner. There is no formal hierarchy that leads the movement. Practitioners are encouraged to gather for supper to cultivate friendships and support each other. There are no temples or churches. Instead, home-based gatherings are encouraged[7].

Further Reading :

1. Aquarian Spirituality : Offical Website ; www.sacred-spirit.

2.' Aquarian Spirituality - A new spirituality for the Age of Aquarius ' by Brother M.C. Zaniah ( Published Amazon KD Published 2018 )

References :

  1. ^ Zaniah, Brother M.C. "Aquarian Spirituality". Weebly. Retrieved 7 September 2020.
  2. ^ Zaniah, Brother M.C. "Aquarian Spirituality". Weebly. Retrieved 7 September 2020.
  3. ^ Zaniah, Brother M.C. "Aquarian Spirituality". Weebly. Retrieved 7 September 2020.
  4. ^ Zaniah, Brother M.C. "Aquarian Spirituality". Weebly. Retrieved 7 September 2020.
  5. ^ Zaniah, Brother M.C. "Aquarian Spirituality". Weebly. Retrieved 7 September 2020.
  6. ^ Zaniah, Brother M.C. "Aquarian Spirituality". Weebly. Retrieved 7 September 2020.
  7. ^ Zaniah, Brother M.C. "Aquarian Spirituality". Weebly. Retrieved 7 September 2020.