Analysing the Psychological Condition of Pilots Through Computer Aided Graphology




Graphology is the science of reading and analysing handwriting to detect the personality traits of a person. Handwriting of a person is a very unique characteristic and can be used to determine the behavioural traits of a person. The concept of graphology has been incorporated with the use of computer systems which makes the process of analysis faster, more reliable and cost efficient. Human analysis can be error prone as the knowledge of an analyst is subjective and the process is time consuming and costly. This project focuses on the use of computer aided graphology in the field of aviation where the pilots are checked before the flight to determine whether the pilot is psychologically/mentally fit to fly the plane. Since there have been many cases where the pilot crashed the plane due to mental depression, stress, tension, fatigue, lack of sleep and intoxication, all this can be majorly detected by graphological analysis as shown to prevent any such mishappening.



Handwriting is an expressive method and a rich source for seeking information about various characteristics of a person. Graphology is considered a pseudoscience which analyses different aspects of an individual’s handwriting. Graphologists observe the handwriting and determine the traits of an individual on the basis of the various graphological parameters. These parameters can be the size of handwriting, style of writing, inclination of the words, formation of alphabets etc. Handwriting gives information about the state of mind of an individual. This aspect of human beings is being used in various fields for gaining details about the person under consideration.

Handwriting analysis, or Graphology, is used in recruitment procedures to determine the suitability of the aspirant, to check whether two people are compatible for marriage, and for criminal profiling of a criminal. Graphology is a part of applied psychology which considers the handwriting of a person very closely related to his individual characteristics. With the help of handwriting, it can be accurately determined the traits of a person. Handwriting analysis is a scientific procedure which identifies, evaluates and understands personality through strokes, pressure and symbols. The system of handwriting analysis is based upon the assumption that the brain controlled movements reflect the dynamics of an individual’s brain.

The mechanism of human brain cannot be determined by mere observation. A more sophisticated mechanism is needed for looking into someone’s brain. The handwriting provides a medium for the sight into a person’s brain. The brain sends signals through the neurons to the muscles of the hand which then manipulate the pen. The content to be written can be determined by conscious thinking but the way to write it is governed by the sub consciousness of a person. Therefore handwriting gives us an analysis of a person’s subconscious thought process and characteristics. This feature of the handwriting is the reason for its extensive use in the personality analysis of a person.

Graphology can be viewed as a combination of two aspects of handwriting, which are, signature of a person and normal text written by a person. The structure of the signature of a person gives the outer characteristics and personality traits whereas the study of text in detail, considering its each and every alphabet gives us the deeper insight into a person’s personality.

Analysis of human personality is gaining importance over the time. It enables the humans to know about themselves. The handwriting analysis takes place by analysing structural elements which in turn are used to analyse the characteristics of human beings. There are two approaches in graphology, viz. analysing the structure of the text and analysing the formation of the symbols and letters. The analysis of signature gives us a broader perspective of a person whereas analysis of handwriting in a text gives a deeper insight about a person.

Out of the numerous aspect of handwriting, the most important aspects which are rigorously used in graphology are direction of baseline, dimensions of letters, pressure, connecting strokes, ending strokes, angle of slant of letters, speed of writing, margin widths and others.

Professional handwriting analysts, known as graphologists, analyse a part of text and determine the characteristics. This process of human analysis of human handwriting can be a subject to various factors such as the knowledge of the graphologist, the accuracy of analysis and the methodology used for analysis. Moreover, this process is time consuming and costly affair. Hence, a tool for assessment of handwriting is needed which makes the analysis a quick process and error free with the intervention of computers in the field of graphology.

To make the process of graphology efficient and reliable, machines are roped into this process. The machine extracts the features such as margins, baseline, angle of inclination of letters and letter dimensions which are then mapped to various personality traits. An overview is thus generated in no time by the computer which gives an accurate assessment. This compliments the graphologists and helps them in a more efficient analysis.