Jorge fabian carrazan born in argentina (salta)in 1971 mother irma luz alejo father wenceslao alejo (stepfather).raised by grand parents delia vargas de alejo y wenceslao alejo,he spend his childhood in general ballivian in salta province and move out at age of 8 to salta capital,to his mother's home.attended to mariano cabezon elementary school,and finished high school at the same building named nacional #2 in 1988, jorge fabian carrazan get married at age of 21 in 1992 to elva nina finally divorced in 2004.has two sons luciano benjamin carrazan-born on june 29 1992,gaston fabian carrazan born in january 29 1999 , and daughter maria antonella carrazan born in 1994. he worked as a police officer in salta police station since 1996 as a dispatcher and (c.o.p) police operation center by patrolling salta suburbia and down town. in December 10 2001 he moved out to naples florida,staying in bob O'Hara's home,he joined to his first job in america at domino's pizza,but in January 6 he moved to miami fl,working cleaning nikki beach night club at south beach.after several small job,due hes french speaking habilities he finally get working at les deux fontaines restaurant,closing in 2003. in 2004 he joined to oh,mexico (mexican restaurant),where meet Marina Herrera (cafe nuvo),(akairo sushi restaurant).and start a growing up relationship until to day,in 2008 the couple moved to norfolk virginia to start a new life. they make their business by driving ice cream trucks all over norfolk and virginia beach area,in 2010 came to our world their son sebastian carrazan,named by mom marina,at the norfolk children hospital in march 24 2010. jorge start working as a fisherman in december 2007 at the peabody seafood the boat called krystal james catching red crab and eels at the atlantic ocean,for several years until he joined to blue harvest scallpos at the fishing vessel,Yvonne Michelle(now named):blue harvest from the blue harvest fleet,located in newport news virginia and fairhaven Massachusetts.