I'm a bioengineering undergrad at the University of Utah with a minor in psychology. Depending on how many credits I decide I can handle, the minor could very well change to a major. I'm new to Wikipedia as an official user, but have been using the site since I knew it existed.

Why I love Wikipedia


I've always loved learning things. Everything. From the core sciences to the social sciences, histories, language, theatre, maths, music, and everything in between. Any opportunity to combine disciplines is significantly better than any discipline alone



One of the best things about Wikipedia is that it is free (well free to anyone who has internet). Though not everyone has access to the internet, and the internet is primarily English, Wikipedia is available in many languages and reaches across cultures to provide one of the most complete encyclopedias on the internet

Digital Aristotle


I don't know exactly where the term originated, but I first heard about it from Youtuber CGP Grey. Its the idea that eventually education will be personalized and I believe that Wikipedia could serve as a great source to draw material from and to provide students with a resource to learn more about material they need more information on. It's a great concept and I can't wait for it to be a reality in some form, though I recognize it probably won't be exactly how I visualize it, anything similar to it would be a great advancement for education and, in turn, humanity/civilization as we know it.