The name given to a rowdy group of weird children. An acronym for what they believed would be an inspirational group name to be used for the rest of their lives. As with most children the need to have a powerful group to belong to was strong. The pride one felt when explaining to another person whether adult or child that you had somewhere to belong, somewhere you were wanted was enough to make a child swoon. This group name was not just an ambiguous "The Pink Ladies" which could comprise of any number of ladies in any shade of pink. This name had to be personal, the first letter of each name was chosen practically excluding those who tried to join. It created a simple tool of rejection children love to use as a safety net. "Sorry, there's no more room", "it only works with four", all but a few common and guilt free ways of implying rejection. Avoiding the unwanted expansion of the foursome in a time when the quality of a friend group was not judged on how many were involved but how well you could sing a sailor went to sea sea sea together.  
While the group had difficulties in the forms of menaces disguised as friends, they managed to remove these obstacles. Some fled from school crying wolf, while others began to ignore them. While the minds of some children elevated their own status and popularity above their classmates this group was too busy playing horses with hoola hoops to notice. Grateful for the break their obsoleteness awarded them the once large group broke down into a neatly tied four-edged square. Making it perfect for games involving two on two or partners in school trips and bus rides. The slow evolution throughout the years cemented the primary school children together to form a close nit group of friends that have withstood the test of time. 
While the ideas founder is unknown the members of the group have worn the title proudly, with snap on bracelets containing similar adjectives used in the past and a snapchat group announcing its prominence still used to this day. M.G.A.T has been a difficult one to get rid of. While this may be down to the group's stubbornness or the utter cringe it entails when reflecting on the past it still evokes admiration. A strange humor can be found in four young children excited by the idea they can brand themselves. Creating a group beside the bright yellow wall of the backstage theater in the school yard has a strong sense of nostalgia. Another factor linking them together and to their childhood school. 
The odd combination of adjectives used demonstrates how out of touch children are with the world and shows the faith they have in their friend's ability's. The boastful nature allows a glimpse into a Childs mind, revealing their true thoughts about themselves. This may be down to parental encouragement or just a true belief that their friends are the peak of human performance. Either way the confidence can be admired and almost envied as the onslaught of insults and misery experienced from a teenager onwards is enough for it to be a distant memory of the past. 
How it was decided which name went first and which combination was the best has yet to be figured out. Did the children plan that far? or were they just content with the first combination that came to mind? The lack of competition this group has had suggests it may be the latter of the two. It is not ranked from height, age, hair color or any other discernible measures. M being for Maeve, G for Gema, A for Aiden, T for Teegan. 
Meave the second shortest but has always contained the belief she is giant, probably her personality's way of compensating for a body ill-equipped for that much sarcasm. This ginger who identifies as strawberry blonde has been dubbed magnificent. A large and complex word for a dyslexic. This word out of all can be questioned, magnificent in comparison to what? are they all magnificent, or just an individual part of their being? Originally believed to be shy and innocent, adults pictured a quiet angle floating through life on the wings of Azazel the Archangel himself. However, this view has been shattered with Natalie, Gema's mother believing she watched Bridgeton for the sex scenes. Teegan's parents believing she would drain their storage of vodka. Aiden's parents admiring her shift from a shy child to a drunk. The baby of the group who once swore off men and didn't allow them the time of night never mind day has had a rapid metamorphism. The now sex addict and drunk has finally filled into what the true meaning of the subjective term magnificence is. 
Gema the physical image of how Meave views herself, tall. Once looked up at like a giant has now come down to earth. The non-bisexual bisexual has had many questioning her sexuality for eons. With the close-minded viewing her successful attempts at hair dye and pierced ears as an experimental phase. Adeptly dubbed Genius. As a child it is difficult to tell whether your friend is a genius, or you're just dumb. While it may be both Gema's intelligence has never been in doubt. Her numerous mental breakdowns humbling her from claiming her rightful place on the brainy throne. The once cute and nerdy child has officially spread her wings and become the flirty goddess the group knew her to be. Never once wavering from her childhood brand she has always been and always will be a genius. While this has extended to the rest of the group at times its main place is at the heart of the giant. 
Aiden the shortest of the group by far. Many have tried to console her missing inches with the phrase "good goods come in small parcels". Clearly, they have never seen a private jet. Ostentatiously given the name awesome once again can leave a person wondering who raised these children. Either in love with themselves or trying to make up for the love they missed. The mentally unstable and practically bipolar brunette lives in a pigsty. The inability to keep her room clean makes one question what their definition of awesome is. The sex crazy virgin invites the question of when is therapy or an intervention needed? This however can be extended to the rest of the group. Perhaps awesome is not being perfect but being unstable enough to make it a personality trait. 
Teegan the second tallest with legs in competition with each other rather than the world. The once towny now a fake culchie has been given no obvious description but perhaps the most powerful aspect of the groups name. What has she done with this responsibility? Forsaken the animal spirits way, dumped its soul and fallen for a dinosaur. Almost in a concerning fashion they decided that being part of the human race was not enough. No, instead they felt a strong compulsion to adopt the symbol of a wild animal, an animal that in no way reflected themselves. A four-legged creature superior in all ways, perhaps an ideal to aspire to. Sharp fangs showing the ferocity a nine-year-old believes they have. Extended claws, a realistic image of their true danger when tested. Keen eyesight an obvious characteristic of their eight combined eyes with the worth of about six. The tiger, a large mammal that could shred a child into minced meat if it tried. Teegan herself probably the most vulnerable, would snap at the sight of a tiger's tooth never mind the bite. Her incredibly graceful balance is nonexistent much to the opposite of this beast.  
This begs the question why the magnificent, genius, awesome, tigers. Perhaps the 's' making it plural allows each adjective to extend to each person. Taking their best quality's and combining them together to make a group worthy of the name. The chance of the group making it passed primary school was slim and yet it survived perhaps with the resilience of a tiger. This allows one to understand that those nine-year-old children were not naïve or boastful but just factual in the face of ignorance.