Thank you for visiting my user page. I was born and raised in Washington and am currently a full time college student. After high school, I took some time off from school in order to get a job and save up some money, which also gave me time to figure out what I would like to do with my future. During the year between high school and college, I worked at a music performance studio as a choreographer before leaving to work at a sushi restaurant. In November of 2017, I became a nanny, while still working at the restaurant, for a wonderful family with three young, rambunctious children. Before starting college, I quit my position at the restaurant, so that I would be able to focus more of my energy on doing my best in school. I aspire to become a nurse, more specifically, I hope to work in the pediatric unit.

Honestly, I am new to Wikipedia. I was discouraged from using Wikipedia by all of my english teachers in the past. However, I am excited to explore and learn about the aspects this website has to offer. It'll take some confidence building before I attempt to create my own page, but for now, I am looking forward to editing articles in order to improve their quality for other Wikipedians, like myself. Now that I am a part of the Wikipedian Community, I am interested in looking deeper into historic events that I do not know much about, such as Woodstock. I also plan to use resources on Wikipedia to prepare for my future by learning all I can about the nursing field to determine which pathways I should take to ensure that I am satisfied with my career.

Article Critique


I was born and raised in Washington and have done very little traveling out state. I love the area and would like to know as much as I can about its history and what all it has to offer. I visited the Gig Harbor, Washington page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects to it worth commenting on: citations, local emphasis, and age.



As soon as I opened the article, I knew that it needed improving. At the top of the article, a warning banner appears, letting readers know that the page is lacking citations. As I read through, I noticed that almost every statement did not have a reference so I could not easily verify if the information was accurate or reliable. With no citations, I had to do a lot of fact checking, and even then, I was only able to verify about half of what I read.

Local Emphasis


Within the article, it discusses how the construction of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge affected the character of Gig Harbor. Although I could not verify all the claims made, the article did an okay job at showing how the economics and development changed in response to the changing times.

As far as how current this article is, I would say that if reliable, it's as current as can be. The most information that would be out of dat is the section describing the population and other information collected in the censuses referenced. Also, the "Politics" section would be a place that needs updating with elections.



Overall, I would say this page was poorly done. It has a lot of information, but with very little citations. Evan if all the information is true, readers cannot be sure without reliable sources to reference. I would also recommend having work done to many of the page links within the article, which are poorly cited themselves.

Also as part of this assignment, I went and added some citations to sources I found to verify some of the information and posted in the talk page about the changes I made and suggestions to further improve the article here.