Planet Distance
mio km (AU)
(th km)
1 Year sidereal day
Mercury 57 (0.38) 4.8 88d 58d
Venus 108 (0.73) 12 224d 243d
Earth 149 (1) 12.6 365 days 1d
Mars 228 (1.5) 6.7 1.9y 1d
Jupiter 778 (5) 139 12y 10h
Saturn 1,433 (9.5) 120 29y 10h
Uranus 2,876 (19.2) 51 84y 17h
Neptune 4,503 (30) 49 164y 16h
Pluto 5,874 (39.2) 2.2 248y 6d
- - - -
Asteroid belt 2.1 - 3.2 AU - -
Kuiper belt 30 - 50 AU - -
Scattered disc 30 - 100 AU - -
- - - - -
Moon 384,399 km 3.4 27.4 days 27.4 days


Found at VY Canis Majoris
A diagram of our location in the observable Universe. (Click here for larger image.)