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Prof.Hypérides Zanello

Date of birth Date of Death
31st of August 1905 DD/MM/YYYY
Spouse Children
Cecilia de Brito Pereira Zanello Ivette, Eleonete, Jayme±, Odilair, Percy and Hypérides.Jr
Education Profession
UFPR, Brazil Professor and Author

Hypérides Zanello was a Brazilian Sciences and Mechanics professor at Iguaçu College and UFPR±.

He taught in physics, chemistry, Natural history among other sciences, He also was the author of many books of an educational scientific nature such as "Ciencias Naturais" (Natural Sciences) and "Matematicas Basicas para o Segundo Grau" (Basic Mathematics for secondary school) among others of similar nature.

± Hypérides took an early interest in Sciences and began early in his teaching career graduating as an engineer in 1928 in the University of Paraná which is now recognized as UFPR. He began teaching at Iguaçu College and stayed on the board for 10 years, Soon after began administering classes in Liceu Rio Branco, Ginásio Paranaense, and State College of Paraná.

Birth and Personal life


Hypérides Zanello was born in Curitiba, Brazil on the 31st of August 1905

Early in his life, he showed great amounts of interests in the scientific field of education such as Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry

He later married Cecilia de Brito Pereira Zanello. Hypérides had 6 children: Ivette, Eleonete, Jayme±, Odilair, Percy and Hypérides.Jr.

Educational Performance


After graduating Hypérides became well known among the intellectual parties of Paraná and in 1936 he became a Professor in Applied Mechanics and bombs and Hydraulic Motors in the UFPR. He also became director in the Chemistry Institute of Paraná

He moved his scientific knowledge even further by learning in Geophysics and Cosmography and Natural Sciences.

Hypérides wrote for the National Publishing Company regularly providing them with his own books of Chemistry, Natural Sciences, Physics, and but not limited to Mathematics.



Hypérides Zanello passed away in DD/MM/YYYY

±Jayme Zanello

Jayme Zanello
Jayme Zanello seen working at his drafting table ("DER"/ Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem/Department of Roadways and Highways)

Hypérides's son Jayme Zanello was born in 1927 and was brother to Percy, Ivette, Eleonete, Odilair and Hypérides.Jr. He much like his father, graduated as an engineer but primarily focusing on Civil Construction. He was responsible for the design and construction of many of Curitiba's highways connecting the far ends of the city.

He married Brigida Zanello and had 3 children: Cristina, Cristiane and Ricardo Zanello.

Jayme Zanello passed away on May 27th, 2021 (age 94)

Hypéredes's Impact on Brazil's Education and History


Hypérides Zanello had a great impact on Brazil's education system, he published many books in the nature of science and education and taught for 10 years in Curitiba's most recognized university, he had great stature in the world of education and was well recognized as an intellectual and Professor of sciences.

So much so the Curitiba Municipal Government coined a Quarter Block after his name in gratitude for his contribution to education.

List of Books

  • Química para o Primeiro Ano Colegial
  • Sciencias Physicas e Naturais Segunda Série Gymnasial
  • Ciencias Naturais- 4a. Serie Ginasial
  • Física - Segunda Série
  • Elementos de Geometria e Desenho Linear
  • Física - 2º Ano Colegial
  • Ciencias Naturais 3 / 1 Grau
  • Ciencias Naturais para a Quarta Serie Ginasial - 6ª Edicao
  • Física para a 1° Série do Curso Científico
  • Fìsica - para o Segundo Ano do Curso Colegial
  • Sciencias Physicas e Natures Segunda Serie Curso Gymnasial Vol 41



Hypéride's was mentioned in a page from VULTOS sobre a tela, written by Marietta Lopes