Hearing Aid 

Hearing Aid- a small device that fits in or on the ear, worn by a partially deaf person to amplify sound

  • Hearing aids would be used in a classroom setting for students that are hard of hearing.
  • Hearing aids are designed for partially deaf personnel.
  • There is no teaching/staff training needed.4
  • The cost associated with hearing aids can range from $200-$400 dollars
  • The identified assistive technology could be purchased from various online vendors. Hearing Direct, Amazon, Walmart, etc.
  • I have little to no experience with the hearing aid technology, but I have witnessed plenty of personnel wearing the device.

Digital Equality Digital Equality means the opportunity to have resources to different types of technologies

  • Teachers have to consider all aspects of their students. Educators must have a broad horizon of technologies to accommodate all students. Making sure the technology is easy access for the students.