Suggested edit to cut down and re-order the repetitive introduction in the Target Market article:


"A target market is a group of customers within the serviceable available market that a business has decided to aim its marketing efforts towards. A well-defined target market is the first element of a marketing strategy.It is proven that a business must have a clear definition of its target market as this can help it reach its target consumers and analyze their needs and suitability.

A target market is a group of people considered likely to buy a product or service and that has been selected by an organisation as the focus of its marketing activities. A target market consists of customers that share similar characteristics, such as age, location, income and lifestyle.

Target markets can be separated into primary and secondary target markets. Primary target markets are those market segments to which marketing efforts are primarily directed and secondary markets are smaller or less important. For instance, the primary target market for a jewellery store might be middle aged women who care about fashion, and their secondary target market could be middle aged men who may want to buy gifts for the women in their lives."


target market is a group of customers within a business's serviceable available market that the business has decided to aim its marketing efforts towards. Target markets consist of consumers who exhibit similar characteristics (such as age, location, income, and lifestyle) and are considered most likely to buy a business's product or service.

Target markets can be broken down into two categories: primary and secondary target markets. Primary target markets are those market segments to which marketing efforts are primarily directed, while secondary markets are smaller or less vital to a product's success.