Andrew Noel


Languages Spoken - English, quite well actually. - German, nicht so gut.

Ethnicity - Alsatian

Currently Listening To - Wiley - The National - Dizzee Rascal - Spoon - Lily Allen - The New Pornographers - Pharoahe Monch - Blitzen Trapper - Marnie Stern

Currently Reading - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Seinfeld and Philosophy

Current Addictions - Chocolate Chip Granola Bars - E-mail - Red X-Factor Gatorade - Any physical activity (baseball, soccer, golf, tennis, whatever) - Making money - Sleeping - FIFA 07 - Thinking about getting back to school - Um...Stephanie Schneider?

Magazines - Sports Illustrated - The Economist - Four-Four-Two - Newsweek - The New Yorker

Favorite Sports Teams - The Ohio State Buckeyes - Baltimore Orioles - Newcastle United F.C. - D.C. United - Baltmore Ravens