Spore dispersal in plants


Cavitation plays a fundamental role in spore dispersal mechanism of particular types of plants. Fern provides a clear example. Namely, the fern sporangium acts as a catapult. The opening phase is driven by water vaporization and by the resulting pressure decrease inside annulus's cells (that is the charging phase of the catapult). When the negative pressure approximately reaches the value of 10 MPa, cavitation occurs. This rapid event triggers the spore dispersal due to the elastic energy released by the annulus structure(that is the discharging phase of the catapult). The initial spores acceleration is significantly high(up to fifth times than gravitational acceleration).[1]

ANFIS architecture


It is possibile to identify two parts in the network structure, namely premise and consequence parts. In more details, the architecture is composed by five layers. The first layer takes the input values and determines the membership functions belonging to them. It is commonly called fuzzification layer. The membership degrees of each function are computed by using the premise parameter set, namely {a,b,c}. The second layer is responsible of generating the firing strengths for the rules. Due to its task, the second layer is denoted as rule layer. The role of the third layer is to normalize the computed firing strengths, by diving each value for the total firing strength. The fourth layer takes as input the normalized values and the consequence parameter set {p,q,r}. The values returned by this layer are the defuzzificated ones and those values are passed to the last layer to return the final output.[2]

  1. ^ Noblin, X.; Rojas, N. O.; Westbrook, J.; Llorens, C.; Argentina, M.; Dumais, J. (2012). "The Fern Sporangium: A Unique Catapult". Science. 335 (6074): 1322–1322. doi:10.1126/science.1215985. ISSN 0036-8075.
  2. ^ Karaboga, Dervis; Kaya, Ebubekir (2018). "Adaptive network based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) training approaches: a comprehensive survey". Artificial Intelligence Review. doi:10.1007/s10462-017-9610-2. ISSN 0269-2821.