
Free Music Idea


Main idea is to expand the current idea of just listing currently available music, and instead, list all music available by all composers. Would result in more of a checklist feel and a reference for people looking to make progress.

So things needed would be:

  • A listing of all composers
    • Without those who are born recently enough not to be considerable for free music additions
  • A listing of each of these composers' compositions
    • Sorted into a table with quality, format, etc fields

A progress bar that's automatically filled for each composer would be awesome to keep tabs on the percentage of music available for every composer


Composer Beethoven, Ludvig van
Period Classical/Romantic

17.6% completed (estimate)


Title/Opus # Format Rating Complete? Play
Work 1 MP3/WMA/etc 1-5, 1=bad, 5=great Yes or No Put a play button for the song here if completed/completed with bad quality
Work 2 OGG 5 Yes
Work 3 - 1 Yes, but low quality (or other words) -
... ... ... ... ...
Work 567 - - No -

Some Major Composers
