About me


Hello, welcome to my user page, it's good to have you. I am a big advocate of nature and love just sitting and observing nature for hours. I also love animals and am a proud owner of 79; 3 dogs, 5 pigme goats, 1 reptile, 12 hamsters, and loads of fish including our newest edition of 8 baby fish. Most fish species are cold-blooded; however, one species, the opah, is warm-blooded[1]

My Wikipedia interests


As mentioned in my "about me" section, I love nature and know a lot about it, so future edits I'll be making will be to plant articles, and maybe even making some articles on plants that yet to have an article about them. As a new volunteer I hope to grow peoples' knowledge of plants and their uses. With this knowledge I hope to encourage people to want to go outside, because with growing media and new media platforms being created as quickly as they are, we as humanity are losing touch with nature just as fast. We are losing the respect and admiration we used to hold for nature and I hope to bring that back to the world.

Article Evaluation


I have always been drawn to nature and everything in it, well, minus the bugs, they're more drawn to me than I'd like them to be. I love observing nature, I can sit outside watching the life cycles of nature for hours without even realizing it. I also know a lot about plants; I'll go on hikes and can name almost every plant I pass, as well as what plants can help with what, the most common plant I see is the notorious sword fern. I visited the Polystichum munitum (Sword fern) article on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: there weren't enough citations to go with all of the facts presented, the article hasn't had any major updates in at least 2 years, and the article is really out of date and desperately needs attention, it is a very short article and is missing a lot of key data and facts about sword ferns.



Wikipedia has what's called verifiability, every fact in Wikipedia has to have a source where that information came from, even if it's something you just knew, you need to find some source that says or supports what you're saying. In the article there was a lot of good, informative information in the first paragraph, but only 1 out of every 3 facts has a citation, and those citations aren't all sources of where the information was found. This article desperately needs citations, to the point that Wikipedia has even put a notice at the top of the page for people to edit and add citations to the page.

Minor Updates


Looking at the edit history of this article there have been a few minor updates over the past two years, and the edits that weren't marked as minor were just fixing the spelling of words. There was only one major edit which was just adding a small couple sentences of it's description with no citations. This article has practically been abandoned at such a small outdated state that the Wikipedia page asks for help and there was no description on the article until last year.

Short article


This article is very short and composed of 3 sections; Description, Habitat and Cultivation, and Utility, along with a short little intro paragraph. One of these sections wasn't even created until last year, this article was created in 2005 and it is now 2022, there article should be way longer by now. There are so many facts about sword ferns that are amazing and cool but yet aren't there, also a bit of the description is off, it says the spores on the underside are yellow, and that may be true, however, just like and fruit it changes color from a yellow to a red. However having said all this, I am very satisfied with the Habitat and Cultivation section, it is more modern and says some of the things that it's famous for as well as mention the spores are on the underside, which the description for got to mention, it just needs some citations.



Overall this page is alright and will suffice, but it desperately needs some love and attention, especially with citations because those are the most important to prove verifiability, but honestly its all just as bad, nothing really needs more care over the other, this whole article needs help. I believe if this article found some citation sources to prove the claims made in it and more updated information then this article would be one of the best out there it'd also be a good size, not as long as the birds article but not as sad and small as the current polystichum munitum article.


  1. ^ Weitzman, Stanley H. (22 Nov 2021). "Fish". Britannica. Retrieved 6 April 2022.