Kazakh kurt
Bashkir kurt

Kurt—food from dairy products.



There are several types of cooking kurts.

  • Usually the curd is divided into small pieces and compresses. Then they are scattered on a Board and dried. In the process of drying it is translated several times. Such a worm is called a curd kurt.
  • Kefir is collected in a wooden bowl for several days. Then pour all the kefir into the boiler and boil until the appearance of a dense mass. The mass is cooled, divided into small pieces. Such a boiled worm is a highly effective product that can be stored longer.

Kurt. Going on the stem, pour on the bottom of a large cauldron, fry the fat after receiving the oil.  Quite put the kurt is poured into bags and hung on the lattice, where the remaining water is again flowing and dry. Then packaged by hand, dried, laying on a plate,  spikelet. The kurt, boiled and dried by the method, is stored for a year, sometimes up to 2-3 years. Kurt strong kitchen, it is added to a variety of food. [[Category:Uzbekistani cuisine]] [[Category:Tatar cuisine]] [[Category:Mongolian cuisine]] [[Category:Kazakhstani cuisine]] [[Category:Bashkir cuisine]] [[Category:Dairy products]]