The Nemes Csőgör Family

Aristocratic Hungarian family (Nemes = Noble, Aristocratic)

The first written mention of the Csőgör family dates back to 1270, when the family was elevated to noble status. Before being promoted, family members numbered yeoman farmers and millers. They excelled in the fighting during the Turkish wars, when they defended their area, and the family received a significant part of its land and property as a gift from the monarch. Zsuzsanna of the Csőgör family won great credit for the defence of the territory and in consequence she became the patron and protector of the family.

Due to the inaccurate transcription of church officials, who served as registrars for centuries, the surname was distorted throughout history. The surnames Csőgör, Csőger, Csőkör and Tőkőr in fact denote the same aristocratic family.

In most cases, the family was associated with other aristocratic families of the time by marriage. One of the last connections took place with the Nemes Simon family.

To date, there are historical census records that show the family has proven and defended its aristocratic origin, for example, in the years 1587, 1754, 1759, 1790, 1829 and 1845. All records of aristocratic origin can be found in official documents only before 1945.

In addition to yeomanry and forestry activities, members of the family participated in the collection of taxes and the creation of laws in this area, as in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the family achieved an elevated customs nobility.

A large part of the family had its seat in Fejér county, where Nemes Csőgör András was born. After 1945, his daughter Nemes Csőgör Zsuzsanna moved to Czechoslovakia with her son Nemes Csőgör István and other family members. In Czechoslovakia, Nemes Csőgör István founded a family from which, in addition to three daughters, there is a son, Nemes Csőgör Jaromír, who had an only son named Nemes Csőgör David.

Nemes Csőgör Jaromír and his family currently live in Great Britain. Jaromír is involved in auctions and finance. His son David studies and, as a true nobleman, devotes a lot of time to charity and voluntary duties.

With the help of historical documents, the penultimate generation of the Nemes Csőgör family, Jaromír, has succeeded in proving and confirming its aristocratic origin again in 2021. He and his family adopted a new coat of arms in the course of the year, based on historical facts and the current situation.

In 2021, he continues the history and traditions of his ancestors and their activities in the field of finance, and has issued a set of his own silver and gold coins. The obverse represents: Zsuzsanna - The Guardian of the Family; and the reverse sees the coat of arms, which belongs to the Nemes family of Csőgör Jaromír.

In October 2022, an important event took place in Bratislava, namely the official restoration of the noble title to Mr. Jaromir by His Highness Prince Dr. Juraj Radziwill-Anoškin, Head of the Sovereign Princely Court and Head of the Aristocratic Association of Slovakia based in Bratislava.

We have not received the consent of other family members and therefore we cannot mention them in accordance with GDPR and other data protection laws.