It is hard to believe I am already 17, soon to be 18. Seventeen years ago I was born into the world, an eight pound 12 oz. baby boy. I was almost named Sebastian, but eventually my parents decided on Austin Roman Sosna. Austin is short for St. Augustine, one of Poland’s first kings. My parents are Rebecca and Roman Sosna. I have two brothers, Nathan and Jacob. I am the youngest of the three boys. I lived in Vancouver for the first year of my life. Then my family moved to Ontario, to settle in Carleton Place. I do not remember anything from this move. After the move, my sleeping schedule started to take shape. I would sleep most of the day, be awake most of the night. This is a pattern that is with me today. I struggle to get to sleep, and through the day I am so tired! I think my sleeping is just like any typical teenager, but apparently that is not true. . It doesn’t make a lot of sense because most of my immediate family members are early to bed and early to rise. My life is good, I am happy. I have learned to cope with my sleeping problems, and to make the best of my days. I have a few friends, with the same interests as I do. We like to hang out, go to movies, or parties. I like school okay, but I wish it started at 1pm instead of 8am, perhaps then I would produce better marks and participate more! It is what it is, and I cannot do much about that. Currently I do not have a girlfriend. I really enjoy playing football; the team spirit is great, even if our team record isn’t so great. My family is loving, and very supportive of me, even when I am not the easiest to get along with. My brothers are relentless at teasing, I wish it wasn’t so often. My trip to Poland, two years ago, was amazing. The plane ride was long and boring, but the experience of a foreign country was worth every minute. I know very little Polish other than saying “hello, how are you” and very little English is spoken there. It was a good thing my dad could speak for me. I will definitely visit there again; it is a friendly and warm country with loads of history.