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Stargate Galaxy

stargate galaxy is when the humans find yet another anciant device that they take the asgurd which the download into thor's ship thor in honour of jack and the others saving his race they decide to build them there own city by using the data of atlanis they extrated from the device

They build a new city named it Tau'ri and declers humans the fith race the city is desinged to be a movable base with its own stargate as well as transport's like that of the asgaurd it also has defence drones and blasters for protection and a city wide force field

The stargate rather than spin around and lock like the old ones in stead the sevron will glow around the edge and the symbol of the sevron will appear as a blueish white hologram projected from the locks on the star gate and is dose not have the famed splash effect that the old stargates have instead the horrizen or barrier from the inside part of the ring outwards intill it reach's the middle and the stargate is connected. it also has a built in force field incapable of being breached