Project Title:The Impact of COVID_19 in THEMBISA (South Africa)

Description of Project

2020 is the year where the world woke up to a pandemic that changed the way of life for all its citizens, it is therefore important that we preserve the impact of COVID_19, in our everyday lives. The project is a creation of a Wikipedia page that would contribute towards the COVID_19 African narrative.

This project aimed at understanding how people from Thembisa(South Africa),were impacted by this pandemic good and bad experiences during this period. About 10 participants were asked 15 questions in interview session and they signed a consent form below.

·I confirm that my participation in the project is voluntary.

·I understand that I will not receive any payments for participating in this interview.

·I understand that most interviewees will find the discussion interesting and thought-provoking. I have the right to decline to answer any question or to end the interview.

·I confirm that the interview will last approximately 20-30 minutes.

·I understand that the interviewee will identify me by name in reports using the information obtained from this interview

·I have understood the explanation provided to me. I have been given a copy of the consent form.

·I wish to review the notes, transcripts, or other data collected during the research interview.

·I agree that the interviewee may publish documents on Wikipedia that contain quotations by me.

TOPIC A: COVID_19 and Lockdown in township (Thembisa) 

1.What is your understanding about COVID_19?

Respondent 1: Covid_19 is a virus that came from china, it spread when an infected person come in contact with a person who is not infected (it can be by touching same surface, handshake ,sneezing or sharing cutlery).

Respondent 2: Covid_19 is an advanced flue that can kill, it can spread through touching the same surface that was touched by an infected person

Respondent 3: Covid_19 is a virus that started in China, It is most similar like flu, but it spreads in a very fast speed, people who are infected are required to isolate or quarantine until they recover

Respondent 4: Covid – 19 is a virus that started in Wohan China, it started last year December 2019 then first case was reported to SA early 2020, via contacts with international travellers. It spreads at a rapid speed and it does not have a cure.

Respondent 5: Covid_19 is a virus that kills people.

Respondent 6: Covid_19 is a viral disease that is infections and when people are infected, they either die or they recover. It is easily spread.

Respondent 7: Covid 19 is a deadly disease that spreads from person to person when germs pass from one to the next, starts as flu symptoms and affects the respiratory

Respondent 8: At first, I had this belief that Corona was just another disease that would come and go just like all other diseases that once hit our country for a short while, like the likes of Swine flu, Ibhola, etc.

Respondent 9: My understanding was that there was a flu-like pneumonia virus

Respondent 10:Its corona virus that affect the lungs making it difficult to breath, and if you have other illnesses it makes you more weaker and worse.

2.How did you feel when SA ( or your township) reported the first COVID_19 positive case? 

Respondent 1:I was scared, freaking and panicking. I released how serious the Covid_19 is

Respondent 2:It was scary, that is when i stopped taking this pandemic for grated and started taking extra measures to prevent the spread.

Respondent 3:I thought scientist would find a cure before the virus spread and kill many people.

Respondent 4:I was very shocked as I thought airports to Countries with Covid cases are closed.

Respondent 5:I felt worried that it might grow, and more people might test positive and we will be like China

Respondent 6:I thought it would end there with the first case, and all be well once the first case recovers.

Respondent 7:I was very disappointed because most people like myself never travelled to think that this could have been avoided, I blamed the people in charge. This disease is just survival of the fittest and lets the strongest immune system win.

Respondent 8:I was frightened in a way because like I had mentioned in the previous question, I took this whole thing of Covid-19 very lightly at 1st.

Respondent 9:I was scared because I released that this virus is serious and more and more people will lose their lives if not taken seriously.

Respondent 10:I was not afraid initially, not a big deal but I heard it was out there

3.What do you understand by lockdown and how is it linked to COVID_19? 

Respondent 1: Lockdown is a measure taken by the government to minimize the spread of this virus by banning and cancelling some activities that can accelerate the spread

Respondent 2: Lockdown was implemented to reduce the fast spread of Covid_19

Respondent 3: Lockdown is a suspension of certain activities in the country, it was used for to control the spread of Covid-19 by stopping non-essential activities.

Respondent 4: Lockdown was introduced by SA president as a response to control the spread of the virus in south Africa, so almost everything was suspended, and everyone was required to stay home.

Respondent 5:I understand that you stay in your homes to keep each other from spreading the various. Since Covid_19 spreads from people touching, its best to stay home.

Respondent 6: Lockdown means we should stay inside our houses for certain period to avoid spreading the disease.

Respondent 7: Lockdown is rule set by Government to stop the spread of covid 19 buy reducing human to human interaction. Lockdown was there to reduce the rapid spread caused by Covid 19.

Respondent 8: Lockdown is a way of getting people to stay away from other people to reduce the spread of this virus called Corona.

Respondent 9: My understanding was that people must stay at home to be safe in order not to contract the virus.

Respondent 10: The goal of lockdown is to stop the spread of coronavirus because the only way this disease spread is when people interact.

4.Do you think the implementation of lockdown have worked in (township) in terms of reducing the the spread of COVID_19?


Respondent 1:It worked, but as time goes on people became ignorant and careless. More especially in malls during the panic buying of food and alcohol.

Respondent 2:Yes, implementing lockdown managed to slow down the spread of this virus. People’s movements were restricted, and inter-provincial travel was banned at some point

Respondent 3:No, People did not obey the rules and regulations of lockdown people were still moving and visiting each other irrespective of the lockdown, what they stopped is just to go to work.

Respondent 4:Yes, as there was no movement in most places Covid 19 could not spread as in other countries.

Respondent 5:I feel that it has, because knowing South Africa’s.. we would have been not take it seriously as it is, the lockdown has helped slowed down the spread.

Respondent 6:Yes, it has worked. F we did not lockdown we would have more people infected.

Respondent 7:At the start of lockdown when the number increased the rule did work where the rules set were strict, but as time went by eased the was increased because new stages were introduced, but compared to other nations we were better.

Respondent 8:I believe that the lockdown worked for a very short period, people started being ignorant and just wanted to go back to their normal lifestyle.

Respondent 9:It has not worked at all because in my township life was just normal with people roaming around in the streets with absolutely no care in the world

Respondent 10:Yes, it works to slow the spread but with people not have one on one interaction it slows the economy, people are losing jobs daily.

5.How did lockdown affect you and people in (township)?

Respondent 1:Some people started small businesses to sell masks and they are making money, whereas some lost Jobs and become hopeless

Respondent 2:People lost their jobs and crime rate increased, especially house break-ins in my area.

Respondent 3:Most people had no source of income as companies were closed, other people suffered from depression as they were scared of being infected by COVID-19

Respondent 4:Most people suffered from hunger, stress and depression as lockdown stopped most of economic activities which contributed to unemployment as many people were retrenched and stopped working

Respondent 5:It has affected me by seeing my life in a different way, and made me realize that going outside is a privilege In the township, it affected them by people less transports to go to work, so has the local "spaza" shops were closed so it was a challenge for us to get groceries in the town.

Respondent 6:I was not able to visit neighbors and families because some of our families live far. Most people ran out of food and other essentials.

Respondent 7:No, i am still earning a salary life have not changed much since lockdown although i must be careful, stay safe and healthy.

Respondent 8:On my part the lockdown has not affected me in a bad way because I am still receiving my salary, I do however have a few of my neighbors that lost their jobs during this time.

Respondent 9:It did not affect me in any way because I am still lucky to have my job and also, I have not yet contracted the virus thus far.

Respondent 10:I was unable to got to work and lost a lot of money meaning I could not be independent and had to rely on others

TOPIC B: The POSITIVE Impact of COVID_19 in the township (Thembisa)

6.During this lockdown period how was having freedom to work from home?

Respondent 1: At first it was amazing, as time goes on it became depressing. When working from work you put in more hours than working in the office. It is bad when all family members are at home, kids are always making noise.

Respondent 2: I am still a student, staying at home has been amazing, the only problem is network when i want to attend online classes.

Respondent 3: Crime rate reduced at an early period of lockdown, so my workload reduced as I am a Police woman but as regulations were eased crime rate rapidly increased including GBV.

Respondent 4: I had to learn to do the right thing at the right time as I could work from bed, or work while cooking and babysitting my siblings.

Respondent 5: I was not working from home because `i am a security guard.

Respondent 6: Well I work as petrol attendant so since the beginning of lockdown there was not much changes.

Respondent 7: I enjoy spending time away from the office and prefer working from home. Additionally, I am more efficient and productive while working from home.

Respondent 8: The freedom of working from home has been great because I get to be with my family at all times and I manage to cover more work while I am at home as compared to when I am at work.

Respondent 9:

Respondent 10: I did not have the freedom because I work at restaurant and even if they easy the rules the staff had to be scheduled and other cut off.

7.How did this lockdown help you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Respondent 1: I started working out and eating healthy, I work out when i am bored and I eat home cooked meal every day and we hardly eat junk food.

Respondent 2: I have been eating anything i can lay my hands on,i have gained weight.

Respondent 3: We could spend more time with family learning and playing with my children as well as exercising.

Respondent 4: Positively, as I started home workouts and to practice healthy lifestyle.

Respondent 5: My mental health has improved because I spent more time at home, focusing on myself and how to improve myself.

Respondent 6: My family and I relied on home cooked meals because take-away store are closed which helped me eat healthier.

Respondent 7: Well the street vendors were not operating and fast food meaning we had to carry lunch box, have home cooked meal.

Respondent 8: I have adopted a style of exercising every morning before I start my day, the lockdown also helped quit smoking.

Respondent 9: I have cut down a lot on junk food that I would buy regularly when I was at the office, at home, I eat home-cooked meals.

Respondent 10: Initially I did not but as time passes I started to stay healthy and fit

8.Did you have time to visit your family and loved ones or spend time with them during this period?

Respondent 1: Yes, i got to spend amazing and quality time with my family plus extended family

Respondent 2: Yes, i got to spend time with my mom and my brother. I learned more things i never knew about them

Respondent 3:Yes, As we had more time to be indoors.

Respondent 4:No, I was afraid the I will transmit the virus to them so I stayed home.

Respondent 5: Yes, with my close family when I am not at work.

Respondent 6: No, there was police patrolling at every entry of provinces you had to be essential worker to cross province or have permit and taxis did not operate at usual and were forbidden to travel long distances

Respondent 7: It has been very difficult because most of my family is in Limpopo, it is only when we moved to level 3 was I able to visit family for only a weekend though.

Respondent 8: Fortunately for me, my immediate family is around here in Thembisa, so visiting and seeing each other is a regular thing.

Respondent 9:

Respondent 10: No, I did not visits anyone since we were not allowed to cross provinces

9.Do you believe lockdown and COVID_19 did reduce substance abuse?

Respondent 1: No, LOCKDOWN increased the rate of domestic violence and gender base violence.

Respondent 2: Yes, it did. More especially during lockdown level 5, there were no access to alcohol at all

Respondent 3: Yes, the alcohol cases were not too many during lockdown.

Respondent 4: Yes, people who stocked too much alcohol could think for another day as they didn’t know when will lockdown or sale of alcohol be permitted again.

Respondent 5: Yes. The president has closed liquor stores which caused people to reflect on their behaviour without alcohol in their system.

Respondent 6: Yes. Because the taverns and liquor stores were closed.

Respondent 7: No, made things worse because since Lockdown there had been increase in domestic violence, people now drank homemade beer which lead others in hospitals, and ever since the Government allowed substance abuse to be sold there has been more accidents and deaths.

Respondent 8: No, it did not reduce here in our township because illegal trading of alcohol and cigarettes was happening.

Respondent 9: Yes, substance abuse has decreased a lot, because most people could not afford to buy the alcohol that was being sold illegally because of high prices.

Respondent 10: No, most people were aware of when will lockdown start and they stocked up. There was also underground operations with prices sky rocking

10.With the level of substance abuse reduced do you believe the kids that are self-made “HOBO” can return home clear from drugs?

Respondent 1: I think they can consider going home.

Respondent 2: I am not sure; those people ran away from home for varies reasons.

Respondent 3: Yes, but only if they want to as people could also make plans to get drunk

Respondent 4: No, most of those people are still on streets they are not ready to be ruled and live under anyone’s rules

Respondent 5: Yes, they have actions have caused them to neglect their families and themselves and during this scary time. they feel they need their family.

Respondent 6: Yes, everyone is indoors, and they also want to be indoors. They have sobered up and thinking of home

Respondent 7: Yes, they drug clean because even though the substances were being sold illegally, they were exorbitantly expensive.

Respondent 8: Yes, they could be drug clean because even though the substances were being sold illegally, they could not afford to buy any.

Respondent 9:

Respondent 10: I really have no clue, but I don’t know individual situation and why they are on streets

11. What have you achieved so far since the pandemic that you did not have time for before?

Respondent 1: A good relationship with the loved ones.

Respondent 2: I was on e-learning I could register and write some international certificates as I never had time when I am working from the office

Respondent 3: My relationship with Jesus and I have learnt how to cook healthy meals for my family.

Respondent 4: Helping my kids with schoolwork.

Respondent 5: Well i managed to do spring cleaning.

Respondent 6:

Respondent 7:

Respondent 8:

Respondent 9:

Respondent 10: I have learned new skill which I hope will be valuable in the future

TOPIC C: The NEGATIVE Impact of COVID_19 in the township (Thembisa)

12.What have you observed about people's behavior since the pandemic hit?

Respondent 1:

Respondent 2:

Respondent 3:

Respondent 4:

Respondent 5:

Respondent 6:

Respondent 7:

Respondent 8:

Respondent 9:

Respondent 10:

13.Have you ex more panic, sadness, anxiety, depression?

Respondent 1:

Respondent 2:

Respondent 3:

Respondent 4:

Respondent 5:

Respondent 6:

Respondent 7:

Respondent 8:

Respondent 9:

Respondent 10:

14.Do you know anyone who has suffered a result of the pandemic?

Respondent 1:

Respondent 2:

Respondent 3:

Respondent 4:

Respondent 5:

Respondent 6:

Respondent 7:

Respondent 8:

Respondent 9:

Respondent 10:

15.How have you and your family been coping?

Respondent 1:

Respondent 2:

Respondent 3:

Respondent 4:

Respondent 5:

Respondent 6:

Respondent 7:

Respondent 8:

Respondent 9:

Respondent 10:

16.How do you think your society will survive after the trauma of losing family members & losing jobs?